Hideo Kojima: “When I had just started my own studio and had nothing, I pitched the DS project to Norman at a sushi restaurant and asked him if he would like to do it with me. He instantly said yes even though I didn’t even have a script”

    Posted by Turbostrider27


    1. CoolManOfTheReddit on

      It’s good for Hideo Kojima and Norman, but I think seeing famous actors as game characters is not the best idea. It’s take away from game characters theirs uniqueness.

    2. Kojima doesn’t speak english so now I’m wondering if Norman Reedus speaks Japanese or if they had an interpreter at dinner.

    3. DisasterNo1740 on

      I mean it’s hideo kojima. Anybody who knows who he is would likely just say yes because the chance to work with him is that good I suppose

    4. SpaceOdysseus23 on

      To be honest a part of Norman’s decision was probably Guillermo Del Toro. All the way back in 2012 or thereabouts when he told Norman ”A guy named Hideo Kojima is going to call you, say yes.”

    5. Gandalf_2077 on

      If Hideo Kojima offers you a job you take it on the spot. I don’t think that’s a flex for the actor.

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