Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC!! – Zebra’s Minecraft Fun

    hello Ze herd today we unleash our inner Awesomeness with the Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC we will Master Kung Fu alongside Po in the furious five at the Jade Palace can we kick punch and skid douche our way through this adventure map let’s find out together [Music] whoa Lea Kung Fu Academy well look at all these people turn into to be Kung Fu Masters just like a our panda friend here we got po speak to the academy instructor and look at this we just run around well this is so cool all right well looks like the academy instructor is right over there but we can also change our appearance wa um oh wow we can turn into like a different Panda I think we’ll stay with PO for now but that pretty neat cool take a look at that maybe later on but yeah I got all these rhinos training up I think they are looks like it and here’s our Academy in short you are huge the time has come summons have arrived from the Jade Palace Temple to continue your training make sure to train before you leave and be prepared use the travel scroll to travel to Jade Palace all right so use the travel scroll when you’re ready to leave where exactly is this travel scroll you’re talking about right over here here a this place looks really neat though you can see people just training on like different like obstacles ow okay I’m not quite ready for that one let’s go over here to Jade Palace and see what’s going to go on uh this will teleport everyone to Jade Palace well I don’t know if they mean all the Rhinos or just all the players but from Le Kung Fu Academy all the way down here to Jade Palace looks like there’s a lot of places to go which is pretty cool whoa DreamWork works so of course the newest Kung Fu Panda movie just came out Kung Fu Panda 4 and I guess along with it scw we get a Minecraft map which is really cool I’ve yet to see the movie I’ve only ever seen the first Kung Fu Panda but this still seems pretty cool to try out so DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda welcome to the Jade Palace happy to be here whoa hey I think this is the furious five or four no I see five one of them’s a little cricked led by our great spiritual leader po learn the ways of kung fu with activities change your fashion style at the student Barracks wow recover the missing artifacts from the Hall of Heroes we’ll do let place this is so pretty very green and the travel scroll travel with ease using the travel [Music] Scrolls all right explore the world of Kung Fu Panda this place looks like so much fun let’s get to it well we got the map now too you can see we’re right up here by this big Temple and I don’t even know wait we are also okay so I guess we’re not technically po I thought we were I guess we’re not you’re po hey whoa a new student I’m po obviously you know me Kung Fu Legend anyway I’m your new master so let me show you the way way every master has a journey and I’ll show you mine I’ll show you my most famous battles and even the not famous ones you have to earn the way go out and find it just look for my symbols gotcha symbols yeah I’ve sent out some Scrolls and they have symbols on them each one is a different part of my journey to become a Kung Fu Master there’s one nearby just at the training Hall hey artifacts you are a sharp one I’ve hidden the chi Essence all over the artifacts in the Hall of Heroes you and you have to find them Arn about how cool and awesome they are hey and then Kung Fu you want some Kung Fu tips and tricks huh well you came to the right place well maybe we’ll figure more of that stuff out later on we can just close this for right now nice to meet you po let’s go into here then and I guess just see who else we can talk to this place is so neat so I guess there’s a lot of moves we can do here we can throw out some punches we can dodge around all that kind of stuff we got double jumps uh hi Master Shifu ah you must be a new student be mindful during your training and remember to meditate inner peace and our peace I will try my best can just meditating here nice all right so I guess we’ll just have to look around for different things to do Scroll of travel I’m at you know the uh Jade Palace right now but there’s all sorts of places to get to so we’ll definitely want to explore around a little bit but since I’m at the palace I should make the most of that and just get a good look around so back out to the front I think is the best idea waa crazy statues all over the place it’s going to be fun to explore so right down this way we have another tra scroll which I’m pretty sure is just what I showed up to see it just shows the same things I can pull up from my inventory so that’s pretty good right down this way though whoa we got tigress and p Guard one time the Dragon Warrior said I was doing a good job it was the best day of my life oh I’m happy for you and Hi here’s the Tigress train hard young student your body must be as hard as the soul I used to punch the Ironwood trees by the palace to train now I feel nothing nothing huh maybe we should give that a try got some other people around here like you the palace guard one time the drag okay I guess the dragon Warriors told everybody that are you also a guard I guess not all right let’s head up here then take a look inside this Temple if we can I don’t know if we can okay wait whoa is that anything oh really I’m just sort of exploring around for the time being I don’t know if there’s anything specific I’m supposed to do a little odd but at least we can you know enjoy the sights a little bit who hi guys what’s going on down here then uh whoa whoa this is crazy quite the way down I sort of feel like I remember how crazy that is from the movie it’s been a very very long time since the I saw the original Kung Fu Panda so my knowledge on it is a little bit Rusty but right down here Showdown with thail lung wow revisit the past and confront the Fearsome Tha lung it as po once did and learn through Po’s experience what it meant to become the Dragon Warrior start game okay sure so we got like a little mini game here who whoa po versus tyong this is cool here we go tyong this is intense tyong is desecrated the sanctity of the Jade Palace we must defeat him all right King tyong out kick tyong out of the palace I’ll try so I’m just punching you as much as I can do some big jumps here I’ll try to dodge around you when you try to hit me with that kind of stuff where do you think you’re going you get back here I’m punching it like crazy whoa look at her crazy Kung Fu moves you get back here we have you about halfway down but oh you’re knocking down the fire can I do that I guess not whoa whoa whoa come on keep it going we can roll around like that too o we almost got you here I’m just going to keep Swinging with everything I got we almost got you knocked out whoa here you are here you are and boom we saved the palace that actually wasn’t too hard and oh that opened up something this way whoa see you oh no no [Music] no that was cool but I think the battle’s continuing here we go defeat tyong and show him the meaning of a dragon warrior did you get taller I don’t know it’s got to keep punching this battle is still going it’s just as intense as before come on come on what are those things over here um hold on leave me alone what does that do nothing oh I picked it up I picked it up Robble walk uh there oh that’s going to hurt yikes that was pretty good um you’re trying to run away from me right now so I’m just trying to get a couple of punches and then boom that was good now what are you going to do huh you finished seems like it SC whoa that was intense quite the explosion there tyong defeated that was awesome I had a lot of fun with that one so that’s like our first little challenge so cool another Kung Fu student I’m really glad you’re here to help protect the valley yes I am okay what else do we have going on around here then um not too much more at the moment but I guess if we keep adventuring around we might find other Scrolls like that where we can challenge more battles that would be a ton of fun definitely looking forward to that so if I could just look around it looks like Po is over here with maybe another thing so definitely go check that out so where are we right we’re in the valley of PE so this quick travel just sort of bounc us around areas that we could also just walk to so that’s good to know and uh pose back welcome to The Valley Of Peace I grew up here super cool you know no biggie really popular Panda you should check out my dad’s restaurant great noodles uh sure Syle Scrolls here one well one is my famous fight with the Fearsome Tha lung another was helping out in my Dad’s noodle restaurant super important and when I fined off Lord Shen’s wolves from stealing her stuff so it looks like we have two more to find around here one in the noodle store shop whatever restaurant maybe that’s down here we’ll they keep looking around until we find it so maybe down this way maybe not inside of here maybe I can’t open these doors or anything so I guess it’ll make itself pretty obvious once we find it just got look around a little bit so after a few minutes looking around I might have found it what does this say stop the wo thieves okay here we go so maybe not the one I was thinking of but I think that might be over here so stop the wolf thieves return to the valley of piece under threat from Lord Shen wolf thieves are stealing the metal from the valley citizens and it’s up to you to stop them press the button below to load into the game let’s get started so here’s a new challenge for us waiting for leader to choose action chase down and defeat the wolf collectors before the time runs out don’t let them steal any medal for your best score start the game or watch a quick tutorial below let’s figure out how to play so how does this work stop the wolf thieves oh they’re all over the place oh my goodness so they’re stealing stuff everywhere they can that’s no good stop the collectors from stealing metal huh so they’re stealing like pots and pans and cans all that kind of thing if they steal all the metal the game is over huh okay so lots of protect here defeat the clutchers until the wolf boss arrives with the big hammer and everything scary they could definitely do a number with that one don’t forget to throw some walks and we did that against tyon going to work out pretty well so I have to remember to pick those up and just toss them over whatever enemy we’re taking on kick out the wolf thieves they have really cool swords see wow all right well it sounds like a plan a fun little game here for sure let’s see if we can’t get through so think we’re ready to try um start here we go 3 2 1 and go so I might pick one of these up straight away I can get a couple of them actually and I’m waiting for the Wolves to actually show up it looks like there’s one whoa over there I sort of missed come on what do you think you’re doing got you good there awesome and then I see you boom like that pick up some more oh I can pick up a ton then I can just run over there and try to help out metal left 19 so there’s going to be less and less unless I’m really hustling gotcha got it and then you hey catch oh I got you so once they take it though it’s like gone for good um okay that didn’t work out super well gotcha um let me get some more and then you hey now back over here oh there’s one behind me nice oh come on gotcha that was a great throw too uh come on come on I missed you but I can hit you without the two for one walk throw wasn’t expecting that one but that was cool got it get some more get some more get some more oh we’re running out we’re running out this is tough to do on my own oh I missed you come on gotcha that’s another round done I guess and then wa come on throw over here throw I got two more over here and then another one down this way come on I don’t know if this is one of those ones that’s supposed to be played with like multiple people got one what do you think you’re doing gotcha so it’s those guys I need to primarily take out I think I think the wolf boss is over here the wolf B boss has appeared hey catch that oh I almost got you come on gotcha I’m throwing as many as I can at you there we go and gold medal Defender so we only lost a couple of them there that was pretty fun so I don’t know if I need to play anymore think we had a good time with that one that was pretty cool so so with that done there’s another challenge waiting for us somewhere else I think it’s this one right yeah cooking noodles so what is the deal with this we got the the clicking Noles over here but we also have Mr ping so maybe I’ll talk to you really fast hi there are you here to see the Dragon Warrior that’s my son po but now he’s the spiritual leader of the whole valley I’m so proud do you want some noodles I would love some in fact we’ll go over here and make some noodles that seems pretty cool cooking noodles Noles try your hand at cooking and serving noodles press the button below to load into the game all right so from defending the town from Evil wolves now we get to make some noodles cook and serve customers who come into Mr Ping’s restaurant serve as many noodles as you can to achieve your best score all right let’s check out the tutorial just so we can understand how to play cooking noodles all right I could go for some noodles right now that sounds tasty and a lot of these customers seemen the the same way cook and serve customers noodles they want a whole menu worth of different dishes [Music] here you can cook noodles in the kitchen gotcha this is where we’ll be cooking away boil the noodles after the noodles are boiled we pick up a bowl of them what do we do then really takes our time though to figure it out cut the vegetables that makes sense so we’re sort of just like a a one chef kitchen here don’t have to worry about too many cooks see what the customer wants which for that one one of them sort of hard to tell but I guess we’ll find out how that all works what the ingredients the recipes are Mak the order at the serving station huh oh I see so this is where we really put the soup together or the noodles I think that counts a soup then serve the customer and they’re they’re waiting they’re hungry so they probably won’t wait for very long angry customers are worth half points oh no so we really don’t want to make them [Music] wait so as many customers as you can I will certainly try but if they give us half points does not mean it’s worth prioritizing the not angry customers I suppose so all right so now that we know how to cook the noodles let’s get started 3 2 1 and go so first thing I need to do is boil them right so uh here what do I do I just okay I’m just right clicking it uh and then I pick up the the thing and I put it here or do I have to get the vegetables how do I cut them um okay here we go okay I’m chopping some stuff up just like that uh I’m so confused um I got some cut vegetables here just like that anyone wants some onions or something got it and then whatever this stuff is get it cut up I don’t see any other vegetables around here looks like it’s just those so hopefully this will make somebody happy come on all right I got all that cooked up what do you want so you want the one with the green one you want the one with the purple one um is that it okay I guess so coming up a you’re angry already righty come on give me a break it’s my first time it’s my first ever soup I’ve made okay oh order up I guess cutting that one do I only get one at the cutting station oh I don’t actually have to stand there and cut it oh that makes so much more sense okay boom boom got it got it I think O come on I pick that up I give that to you over here but there’s plenty of other super hungry customers you need this one come on boom and then grab grab uh take some of that cut up some more and then take some of these oh my goodness this is so much uh Bowl B make one of these and it looks like somebody else wants one so I need to go and get more oh my goodness go go go got it got it oh you’re angry they’re both angry I tried my best oh you know what this is the wrong you don’t want that one no like no no no not that one oh we might be comung through Masters but I don’t know if we’re Master Chefs come on get that there and then scoop these two one of them you just want cooked noodles without any veget in it I see what you want okay that makes sense we’re sort of getting through it I’m not very good at this yet um oh I didn’t actually get these to start cutting um there we go there we go I need more noodles boiling Pronto where are the new customers here we go got it boom boom got it oh this one is not [Music] cut this one is O I’ll take that I’ll take this and we’re running over there ready that one’s for you uh you need just a normal bowl you need this one there you go there you go there you go please don’t be mad I’m trying my best here got it what was it this one and then uh this one and then grab two more set up even more I have 30 seconds left come on um do that then grab these two run out there as fast as I can cuz the clock is scking I’m getting half points for these ones angry angry customers oh boy but apparently we did something right we’re getting thumbs up on something but then I got a big axe I’m not sure I tried okay I tried I don’t know if we have enough for you but here we go here we go ready boom just for you and then back over here and I served 19 customers a silver metal cook that’s not bad for my first time cooking up I’ll take it so there we go that was still a lot of fun fun intense but fun now if we go back over here we can go to the scroll of travel I think that was everything in The Valley Of Peace but I want to go back and talk to PO again and just confirm there’s anything else to do I would I would love to hear about it but we’re heading back over and we’re back at the valley piece we didn’t see this fancy little cut scene before so find anything from the Jade Palace I think I did but I want to talk to you again so symbols you want to know where the symbol scrolls are well one of my one is my famous fight with the Fearsome tyong we did that another was helping out in my Dad’s noodle restaurant super important and when I fin off Lord Shen’s wolves from stealing stuff so that’s everything here so if I were to go back to um oh can I not oh the Jade Palace yeah let me go back to the Jade Palace I want to see if po will say anything if there’s anything in terms of Scrolls I didn’t do there I want to see that and then if there isn’t I might as well go to the panda Village or something right wherever it will bring me next so yeah so far so good I just want to see what’s next hi there po so symbols yeah I’ve seent on some Scrolls and they have symbols on them each one is different uh there’s one nearby just just at the training Hall I don’t think that’s the training Hall so I need to find one somewhere here at the Jade Palace okay so we will actually tell me on the map I feel so silly so if we look at the map we can actually run right back up where we came and I guess there was a path to the left I just didn’t really see seems like it oh yeah right over here so as we’re running over I would love to hear you know which Kung Fu Panda movies have you seen have you seen the newest one in Kung Fu Panda 4 what are your thoughts on them I would love to hear all about it so yeah this is like its own thing very neat crazy statues and different I guess Kung Fu Masters we got Viper over here are you from the academy it’s important to keep in touch with family I used to love cooking with my sisters that’s cool what’s going on here oh yeah we got the turtle statue it doesn’t seem like there’s anybody to chat with or anything around here looks like there’s somebody way up there in that building so got plenty of stuff to figure out around [Music] here lots of different statues all very well detailed what’s over here Master ug I got you I remember you yeah the turtle a new student H remember there are no accidents there was something else I must have forgotten oh well well I will try to keep your first one in mind look at the view here oh oh no wait okay don’t fall wait can I jump off of walls was that what happened there I was trying to like you know Crouch so I didn’t walk off the side I just rolling off the side that was scary all right back over here then what do we got here yeah this should be where the little thing is so here we have Crane and then a master’s training the cran then wings of justice is probably my favorite move you get Justice get huge gusts of wind and it’s really flexible whoa nice move nice move okay let’s try out a master’s training train your kung fu in the Halls where po began his journey press the button below to load into the game all right new game here whoa avoid the traps and punch the training dummy punch as many as you can for the best score all right I think I can get the idea of this one of just like dodging around and not getting clobbered go can I hop on top of them I don’t think I can whoa here it is here it is punch it and then oh my gosh where’s the next one oh right over there ow go go go I got to roll around too got it the next one is over there I got to move move it I got to move it wow this stuff hurts this stuff really hurts how do I dodge all that I don’t know but I’m getting in boom got it next one is uh oh right next to me nice co over there you can sometimes just ever so slightly hear them there’s so much going on here crazy waa fifth dummy hit right there over here boom we get another one oh I heard it right there dodge through I have a little bit of Health left I got to be so so careful got it nice um ooh ow down to my last half a hard no I died wait wait quick respawn I’m back at it so we don’t get knocked out for good if we get knocked out like that hey watch it I got 30 seconds remaining um and we’re heading over here got it pretty cool uh boom ouch another one right over that way I’m lucky I didn’t get hit there and then right next to me they never really seem to spawn all too far away come on yikes and oh way over there huh come on I might be able to get it might be my last one 16 in total that’s a gold medal dummy puncher all right that wasn’t bad at all that was a fun one so there’s that all finished up I think that was the only little challenge I needed to do in this area but there was one more character to talk to or at least maybe even a few of them over this way cuz we’re still technically in Jade Palace so I I can change my appearance there but also there’s a monkey to talk to hi Monkey oh hey have you seen my almond cookies I think po must have found them again oh no all right well seems like that’s it for this area but still very very cool now might be a good time to actually change my appearance though cuz I thought I was just po before but let’s see body type I got this one that one I think I like the first one the best for the clothing out one two three four or five two and three oh no are not the same um I think I’ll do this third one for the accessory a little flower on our head a little hat another kind of hat another kind of hat I think I’ll go with this one and then I can just randomize it if I wanted to okay good to know but I think I’ll stick with what we had before got it that’s fun so we look a little different now who I like it so if we take a look at our Scroll of travel we’ve gone to The Valley Of Peace let’s try gongmen City yep so where is that one at whoa that’s way up North so we’re heading to Gangman City now and we’ll see what we can get done there whoa Gangland City already has a couple missions I see we got Dragon munching B talk to PO first oh no didn’t mean to do that and you can see yeah everything else here too so hi po hey welcome to Gangman City check out the rebuilt Tower of the sacred flame and the super awesome Marketplace also look out for my symbol Scrolls symbols looking for the symbol Scrolls I got you one is one is when I stopped the crazy Lord Shen in this Fleet of boats then that time me and the Furious 5 hid in a dragon suit and then there then and then when we fought Lord Chen’s wolves who stole her stuff so you find any artifacts lately okay anything I should check out the artifacts where are the artifacts in the alleys on the roofs you’re going to have to look for five of them because you’re not getting Zippity Squad out of me all right well if we find some artifacts it’s great but I’m mostly after the main missions here so first one is right next to us dragon J return to the streets of Gangman city under the rule of Lord Shen take up a dragon suit and Munch through Shen Shen’s wolf Warriors start game this seems neat so we’re here at the market again run down the wolf Warriors in Your Dragon suit mow over as many as you can to achieve your best score sure let’s give this one a try so three 2 1 whoa we can really move with this thing who we look so silly okay uh where am I going going I’m just mowing over you uh I got to I don’t know if to actually press anything here but I I munched one of them there we go oh my I’m coming up on you here I come you better run oh that didn’t quite work there you go I got this one come on come on I’m coming to get you do I got to turn around here seems like it I see another wolf running around over here I love these little illustrations of them did I not get you there Here Comes one more got it got it got it there we go keep it moving there’s another I’m coming to get you there it is nice all right there’s some more on this side I’ve already munched nine of them can I get a t there it is nice okay let’s go for the big two can I get 20 of them gotcha think I want to turn around again because it was more over this way but it looks like eventually we do reach like a dead end maybe hard to tell oh I got you I to do a big turn there this is such a big dragon we just get a better look at it but 30 seconds remaining can I get five more not at this rate come on gotcha gotcha what do we got up here I got you and you and you where do you think you’re going a little bit more over here Boom come on come on gotcha I saw this one over here you better run nice the 22 of them I see you I see you gotcha this is so silly 24 and 25 nice seems like a pretty good score to me we got the gold medal Dragon muncher awesome aome that was a fun one definitely enjoyed that one uh let’s see what else we got going on around here though cuz that’s one done but there’s two more around here in the city so let’s go ahead over down this way if we take a left at this next turn I think we should be able to find another little challenge here right down this way I can’t quite tell what it is from here but stop the wolf thieves so I’m guessing this one’s very similar to what we saw before just in a different location return to the streets of gang city under the rule of Lord Shen wolf thieves are stealing the metal of Gangman citizens and it’s up to you to stop them so just like before at the uh Valley Of Peace we need to stop these guys but as you can see they’re up there with their bows and arrows as well chase down and defeat the wolf collectors before the time runs out don’t let them steal any medal for your best score all right so ooh this time oh I get these early too can I throw them I think I can waa that’s intense can I throw those up there at you hold on one more time no that doesn’t do much okay I got to be careful of the arrows I suppose what is going on Wow don’t want to mess with that but I think there’s somebody over here I might have already missed out on some stuff what do you think you’re doing hold on hold on you are quick come on beat up beat up beat up can I get you that was a lot of hits okay I see another one over here I’m running over so far not doing super well with with this one come on gotcha gotcha and ooh good throw over that way but they are right on top of me at the moment I need to punch through you grab some more of these just like that come on okay oh I just barely missed yet don’t you dare steal anymore grab all of those as much as I can get out of here I see plenty more of this way it’s the ones with the exclamation mark so we have to the most worried about oh the two for one throw there is always a great sight to see I didn’t quite get you come on boom boom and a you get back here what do you think you’re doing not on my watch I got one right on top of me so I’m dealing with you and then over this way come on we got to run our little Panda legs over there gotcha okay cool then back over this way the wolf boss shown up come on and going to have to throw a couple at you aren’t I there we go 16 the gold medal Defender that was pretty nice all right seems like we’re picking up the pace a little bit through these games and that’s great that means we have one more left to do here at the city so I need to turn back around over here the right the same way we came in and try to figure out what we’re getting to next seems there’s a lot to do around here but mostly just focus on this next mission which is right down this way and then we’ll move on to the next location wherever that might be yeah we’ve been making good progress ton of fun exploring the world of Kung Fu Panda let’s see I got to take her right here I got to follow the trusty map Kung Fu Master always comes prepared and then right up this way into like what seems to be a great big Palace where we do have something here uh Showdown with Lord Shen and the soothsayer let’s up to the soothsayer real quick you must be a student of pose I see you in your future a great deal of stress and pain from a Wing Chun training dummy no that can’t be right interesting all right well let’s be prepared for I guess pain and stress show down with Lord Shen revisit the past and defeat the villainous Lord Shen relive POS Rescue of the furious five from Shen’s gunboat Fleet and their final showdown on Shen’s Flagship that sounds intense so another boss fight here we took on um one of them before I forgot his name but now it is po versus Shen so here are the boats this is an ominous setting there’s the the furious five on the left they’re all tied up no not good got to help her friends Lord Shen fancy time to free the five all right let’s go for right so Lord Shen has captured the Furious 5 and assembled a guno fleet fre the five and do something I got wolves beating me up now pick up a couple of these and toss them over or not come on there we go at least we got the two for one throw and then I can maybe just that doesn’t do anything good to know uh where do I go then I mean I got this little group of guys to take on ready you and then you and then you maybe once I defeat all the enemies I can do something what did it say again uh fre the five and stop the fleet so what if I go over here can I just Haya oh I did it the five are free but the gunbow fleet remains destroy them I will try to I got to First destroy these guys boom so what did it say before um destroy them before they can launch their Invasion campaign how do I do that wa like that okay just got to keep throwing with these axes then gotcha another one nice one more and then toss that one there while it’s flying over pick up a whole dozen more okay it’s not quite a dozen but still quite a lot ooh that chip is sunk and that’s all of them nice I guess we did it the fleet is sunk Lord Shen’s not going to be happy about that one nice Posen with the furious five uhoh what is that is that a CED watch out everybody uhoh whoa okay only Lord Shen remains defeat him I’m running over let’s fight Lord Shen come on throw a couple of punches your way come on it looks like okay there we go W they got the the feather spin those things cut like swords we got to be careful but so far I’m really bringing it to you wa o not good let me oh no get back up get back up not what I wanted knocked me over I was trying to just get into a better position I can’t get back up now uh let me back up a little bit cuz it’s not what I wanted um I don’t know why it’s sparkling over there but might not be to do too much about it come on get on there what is up with this wa whoo wo o that made the whole thing fall on him that was crazy oh but now he’s got a weapon watch out po doesn’t seem worried at all watch out behind you get out of there you’re in trouble boom that’s one cooked bird Lord Shen defeated that was a cool Showdown for sure and with that done it looks like we’ve completed Gangman City definitely a fun time here but now that we have I do want to see we completed the Jade Palace and The Valley Of Peace let’s go to the panda Village which is of course right back down here and then after this we have two more areas to explore I don’t know if there was anything more to do with the Le Kung Fu Academy but there might be wow this place is so neat the panda Village let’s see what we can get done here then first off is po anywhere to be found I see dumpling parkour but first po hey welcome to the panda Village this is where my panda dad lives you should go say hi they really know how to relax here make sure you try the dumplings symbols there’s some great symbol Scrolls here one is one I sent Kai The Collector back to the spirit real I summon the chi dragon then there’s my favorite cooking dumplings ooh ooh and there’s also dumpling parkour got to get all those dumplings all right well let’s get that done first thing is dumpling parkour right over here that sounds like a lot of fun so grabbing that one it’s time to train your kung fu and dumpling parkour jump and flip across the rooftops collecting dumplings let’s get started run across the rooftops and collect as many dumplings as you can see if you can glit Them All Before Time runs out let’s get started so let’s go for whoa there’s one and I see this one over this way I don’t know which one I should start with but getting over here I see some more over on this side feel like it’s not just parkour but a little bit of a hideand-seek situation too got it ooh on top of the building over here they are all over the place got it just following them wherever I can find it I got this one I see some way up there on the mountain tops too maybe I should go and grab this one first is it really possible that I can find them all within the time seems like a lot of dumplings to discover whoa we got launched up there wait wait wait I’m not done got to grab that one now you can launch me up sort of uh not that way it’s the wrong way yeah up here oh my I got to go up there please come on there we go up this way now really losing a lot of time there but the 13 dumplings and I don’t see too much going on inside of this building was I not supposed to go into here maybe not uh that’s odd none back here either oh wait there’s some over this way okay so I guess I can I make that jump no I can’t oh darn um maybe I should not worry about it as much and pick up some of the ones over in this direction I’ll go back up there if I have to but for right now I have 16 of them and there’s still so many more left to find hope that uh po had a light breakfast cuz this is a lot of food especially running around don’t know how you don’t cramp up all right there we go let’s get up here got it and what in the world is happening with this one we got so much going on o got it come on come on got 30 seconds remaining I don’t think I’ll be able to get them all unfortunately but 25 26 of them quite a lot come on come on and I’ll roll over here seems faster to roll occasionally so probably yeah try that strategy out can I get up to 30 with the last few seconds here ooh got it 30 dumplings there we go oh 31 nice that was pretty big happy with that one I don’t know if that was a gold medal or not let’s see gold medal dumpling collector that was a pretty fun one for sure so let’s take a look around the village it’s not a very big area it seems um we can just head down this way and we got mayay hi hi am mayay best ribbon dancer in the world I dance with danger cool Grandma Panda oh my you are a large one you must be able to eat many dumplings I I guess so we just did um over here we got lelay hi you look like me but big one day I’m going to be as big as you then bow they call me firecracker bow because I’m the Kung Fu firecracker Master okay I’m not a Kung Fu firecracker Master but you must believe me all right we got big fun are you a hugger I’m a hugger well big hug for you then what do we got here we got The Showdown with Kai The Collector I should probably do that one last cuz it seems like you know the big boss fight so first off let’s go and cook some dumplings we’ll do something a little bit more lowkey over here and there’s also a few more people to meet up with so that’ll be cool so right up here before we cook the dumplings let’s meet uh dim and some hey you know my cousin po he’s really awesome hey do you know when dinner’s ready hey you must be my cousin po he’s a s or you must know my cousin po he’s a super Kung Fu Master Panda Warrior hey you want some of my bamboo shoots thank you for the offer but I think I’m good and I think we’re ready just to cook some dumplings try your hand at cooking and serving dumplings start the game so I’m guessing this is very similar to cooking the ramen where we’ll have to meet some orders cook and serve customers who come into the restaurant serve as many dumplings as you can to achieve your best score let’s give it a try Okay so yeah first things first is I can pick up some something here there we go pick up some of those so I guess I want to cut those here no no no where do I cut them here and then here and then over here oh this is where I cook up the dumplings and I got to go serve them to the customer soon enough but right now boom boom boom gu some more then actually start the cutting grab some of these cook up some more and then here here and here we’ll do some of those some of these and then boom boom boom boo needs it I can’t get down from that way getting back up seems to be the biggest challenge so I get that to you I get over here and I can only feed one of you unfortunately whoever wanted that one you’re lucky die wa I can almost jump through there that would have been perfect but but I get back over here and I grab all of these I get some of these actually I guess I sort of did that the wrong way because I need to here this one and I need to make some more stuff I got so many actually and then I will do one of those and then two of these hold on got it who wants it cuz I’m sure yeah we got some angry customers waiting for sorry about that but I’ve made a lot of them so maybe I could just give that to you wait for more customers to pop up and definitely cook up some more in the meantime um that was good I think that means more customers are on the way so let’s just make sure we have all this stuff being cut up a little bit get that going who wants what there’s so many people out there wow uh I have six bowls though so maybe I can make a couple customers happier I can go boom wait no there you go and then over here you want this one you want that one everybody wants that one I’m so sorry hold on that one’s in hi Demand right now I’ll get back over here I’ll put this here and I’ll go like that and I’ll just grab it and run back over to you almost there please don’t get angry please don’t get angry oh no come on I’m almost there don’t get angry got it nice I don’t see any other customers around so this my chance to cook up some more of them all right just like that one 2 three going I get this one here two of these they already want some more that is crazy let’s see let’s get this here this there cut up some more uh oh my gosh there’s so many out there oh my gosh uh let’s hope that’s what everybody wants cuz that’s what I got I see one over here more customers popping up you just want a plane you get a plane oh man uh got it got it got it and then you over here I can feed you I can get you too who wants just a plain one some angry customers around but I did what I could I’m just going to get over to this one some people leaving happy some people leaving a little perturbed I get it you know easy to get a little cranky one you’re hungry but food takes time especially good food takes time effort and love and you got to respect that cooking is an art form but it’s also a [Music] labor okay there’s so many people out there and they all want more than what they currently got is a whole plate of nothing okay I think I have enough to um do something like that and that and then got it hopefully that’s enough for everybody this is such an intense Min game but hopefully that’s good enough for everybody there’s nobody over here so I just need to run over this way you’re so so Furious you want this one [Music] don’t land on that just yet always want that one I never have enough of it I’m so sorry give me one moment I almost got yours too just need to go here get this put that there pick it up again got quite the gymnastics going on here I don’t know how long it’s supposed to go on for typically it’s time but we haven’t seen that timer pop up all right grab these two I think I’m going to have to make a lot more stuff here okay chop up a lot more of those boom boom got it got [Music] it okay food Cooks up so so fast which is great but I just somehow need more and more okay got it that should be pretty good are some customers leaving I don’t know I got the big X there okay 30 seconds remaining I know you’re upset but do that and then feed you there we go got some customers leaving happy this time will more pop up in time or are we too late cuz there’s just not too much more happening here I just want to be here and ready or as soon as like you request food I give it to you you got you want plane you got it the instant you sit down you’re getting fat can’t get better service than that right okay what do we got over here we got you and of course you two want plane right when I don’t have it anymore I got 51 a gold medal dumpling cook that’s a lot of happy customers all right so I’m happy with that one very very nice so there we go with that done that means all we have to do is the big Showdown match which was right over this way yep right over here The Showdown with Kai The Collector revisit the past and defeat the great Kai The Collector seethrough pose eyes and defeat the group of Jade zombies and call upon the power of the Dragon Warrior in the spirit realm let’s start all right so it’s po facing off with Kai The Collector crazy looking weapon too oh it’s all iced over TI The Collector wow now that’s what I call a dramatic entrance seems like a collector has attacked the panda Village to steal your Chief oh no okay so stop his jomie minions from ruining the village okay I see them over here let’s defeat them wow they’re like made out of emerald crazy just going to punch you away as much as I can then am I supposed to pick something up oh yeah over here all right grab some of these and can I toss them at you oh there we go but even that takes a lot of do in there we go and I will grab as many as I can and catch oh one more there we go takes three of them W the alligator got it firecracker Squad ready to fire that’s not good so many different animals in Emerald form come on got what do we got this time I got you over there you’re firing quills at me spring roll Squad time for some take gotcha come on one more oh wow hey we got friends helping the spring roll Squad there we go guys did not appreciate that one uh you okay whoa squeezing who got the super squeeze oh man we got to defeat Kai The Collector oh boy my health is so low uh there’s two health bars for Kai why is there two of them ow uh respawn is there is there supposed to be two of them I haven’t seen this movie I don’t know um what’s going on over here um I don’t know what did that do it doesn’t seem like punch I’m just going to punch you guys just going to punch you yeah I don’t I don’t know what that does come on just keep punching two of them no problem I’ll just knock them both out I mean I guess what more he’s collected so many things he’s collected himself is that what’s happened here the paws are gone now so I don’t know if that really did anything well the deal is with that but man they’re kicking my butt sort of hard to keep up with two of them we go back this feels so weird I don’t know if this is supposed to be happening but cuz the game sort of crashed the first time I tried to take him on come on oh they are all over me they’re juggling me like crazy not much room to breathe here but I’m trying my best ooh this is definitely the toughest fight so far but if I jump around and I dodge around like this they can’t touch me we’re too quick we got the panda Powers ooh never mind they can touch me they can touch me ouch come on come on almost got you almost got you a little bit more there it is awesome and now was just back to one you want my cheese so bad then take it wa here he [Music] comes looks like he collected a little bit more than he could handle Kai The Collector defeated that was [Music] amazing all right so with that done that was I think this area finished up too that was so much fun which means we only have a few more places to check out like Juniper City Harbor sure let’s try this place out which is uh a little bit to the West here this seems pretty cool right so here we we go whoa Juniper City this seems to be the biggest area so far I guess we’ll talk to PO first things first if I can find you um here you are so hey welcome to Juniper City last time I was here I was on wanted posters huh can’t find the symbol Scrolls huh no problem right at the top of the castle is when I fought the powerful sorcerer the chameleon and another is when I fought off for Comm Warriors while escaping that same castle hey cool so we take a look at the map there’s only two fights to be had here if I take a look wasn’t there Juniper City Castle I think that’s where we’re going up to so I don’t think I need that teleport but then after that I wanted to do I don’t see it here but the other the other Palace I don’t know anyways we’ll go over here and we’ll see for ourselves what we can do way up here and I’m still going the right way right seems like it it doesn’t look like there’s any other missions anywhere else no music for this area a little spooky all right we’re getting up here though slowly but surely it is wa quite the climb I didn’t realize how far up it truly was but we’ll get there it’s part of our training be able to climb really high castles all right almost there this has been such a fun DLC so far we’ve been able to see so many cool things we’re almost there we’re going to keep joging it’s good cardio almost just a little bit more up around here and I see something okay so that’s just another travel scroll so I think it would have brought us up here that’s why there were two teleports so you don’t have to run up all the way this way every single time but uh here we have escape the kimoto or Showdown let’s do escape the kodos first return to Juniper city under the rule of the ComEd chameleon not the comedian see through Po’s eyes and the feet the kodo Warriors sure so another mission is po here survive the kodo attack defeat the mall to gain the highest score start the game or watch a quick tutorial I think we’ll just start the game 3 2 and one so I’ll pick up a couple more of these fireworks just like we did against the uh the jombies there there so many there is so so many catch ooh oh I missed that one come on I got one how much punching does it take to get through them actually not too much already defeated eight kimoto I see you over here trying to throw stuff at me not appreciated all right ready what do you think you’re doing get out of here toss that stuff over there see if I can’t get you okay ooh watch it ooh the three for one throw that was pretty impressive Rive right there we go we’re knocking them out all over the place right now gotcha I need to get as many as I can muster cuz we already got 23 of them defeated I don’t see any others around but there’s got to be some somewhere right cuz uh what else are we waiting for chameleons okay where did you go here you are I just gave you more time than I needed to defeat them all very odd got it I will maybe just yeah punch my way through some of them like you and then whole collection over there gotcha that was a couple of them knocked out punching you back over here ooh amazing throw same thing over there I see one way in the corner down that way didn’t quite hit you but that will maybe once we do defeat them all whoa okay that’s a lot of enemies a lot of them like a ton I got a couple of them but I might just have to punch through the rest of them we’re already up to almost 50 of them defeated fantastic but so much more left to go I need to grab as many fireworks as I can toss it over there come on ooh what is going on you’re moving around way too fast I have 30 seconds left to defeat these chameleons like that or the kodo I don’t think these guys are quite chameleons come on o I’m running out of time now can I get the 60 defeated ooh and not quite but I survived two minutes 18 oh I guess I got knocked out that’s fine I feel like I did still a pretty good job it was pretty fun I think we’ll head out of there and that’s another mission completed over here we have Showdown the chameleon all right r revisit the past and defeat the powerful sorcerer the chameleon experienced POS Showdown against the shape-shifting forms of all his greatest Nemesis or nemeses start the game this will be cool so just po once again and another Furious boss fight this time gets the chameleon who the fire breathing too oh my so everybody we just fought before all in one the Alon let’s get this a go so scary get ready to feel the F the chameleon has stolen the chi of your greatest nemeses defeat her before she becomes even more powerful you’re on so first we need to defeat this one I forget the name of it again but it was the first movies um main enemy so I guess we unintentionally did it all in order interesting punching through almost got you halfway knocked out as you switch over to uh Lord Chen I think it was and now K The Collector whoa uh what’s that it oh we got you on the ropes or something you’re not feeling so good now uh let’s finish this oh uh-oh what is that uh that’s a huge Shadow whoa that is terrifying it’s a scarier monster than anything we’ve seen before the chameleon has morphed into a great monster bring it down to Rubble or something let’s go and fight I can’t really oh it’s going to make Rubble maybe and then I throw it up there right now ow there’s not much I can do besides avoid all these fire attacks and try to find something to toss at you I don’t know what uh you just want to come down here maybe you are terrifying um now what now what oh my you’re screaming here comes the rubble yeah I want to pick this stuff up just like that and then catch gotcha that definitely does a number on you so I will run over here do the same thing grab all of this and then ready toss and toss and I’m missing some of it but I’m Landing other stuff come on a little bit more nice okay back over here there’s more Rubble but it’s disappearing before I can get to it darn one more round of rubble should be enough to knock you out though for sure come on let’s see what you got come on I know you got it and you send down more Rubble what a crazy fight this is though oh my here we go so grab this one and then maybe one more over over here got it I think that’ll be enough to knock you out just like this and that and there we go the chameleon has been conquered whoa yeah ah was that it oh no the greatest rival ourselves not good us but with a longer tongue the chameleon has morphed into you defeat yourself I will try let me grab some of these cuz why not where’d you go where’d you go oh you’re still over there gotcha oh no I didn’t get you come on maybe I could just go over there and punch you maybe that’d be easier that’s sort of working come on come on come on I just trying to guide you around you’re missing me which is pretty good I just keep running in circles I might just be able to punch you down with every single kung fu punch weaking muster we’re more than halfway there now come on gonna Dodge through like that that seems like a pretty good idea there we go now I got the crazy you can’t even keep up with us we defeated the cavilon for real maybe what’s going to turn into this time yeah I think I think we defeated it all right that was the toughest battle yet but also the coolest one I am the Dragon Warrior who hey the super kick that has got to hurt and there we go the chameleon defeated that was so cool so we got all of that done if we take a look at our Scroll of travel we’ve been just about everywhere we started the Jade Palace we went to The Valley Of Peace and then Gangman City the panda Village and then the Juniper City I don’t know if we can go back to Le Kung Fu Academy but it doesn’t seem like we can I don’t see the option to teleport there so maybe that was just where we could get introduced to everything but not quite where we can actually get missions done sort of seems like it but I figure we’ll go and talk to PO one more time just to catch up with him and see what he says all right hi po whoa a new student okay well I mean I guess we we just defeated everything I’m pretty sure we’re not new anymore uh which one is different part of my journey to become a Kung Fu Master there’s one nearby just the training Hall so it looks like he doesn’t have anything more to say but if we take a look obviously we got everything done here it still won’t let me go to that one place so I think we did everything that was a ton of fun so that was our adventure through the Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC I had a ton ton of fun with this one for sure and hopefully they make some DLC maps based off of some other cool DreamWorks movies but when it comes to other movies in general we of course had the um Incredibles movie DLC that was a lot of fun and there was just you know some other similar things like the TMNT Minecraft DLC we’ve played that one as well so lots of other Minecraft action if you want to check that stuff out as well but of course I would love to hear your thoughts on this adventure have you been able to play the Kung Fu Panda Minecraft DLC and if so what are your thoughts on on it I would love to hear it but that is going to wrap it up for today’s episode of zebras Minecraft fun thank you guys so much for watching I’ll see you next time bye-bye

    Checking out the Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC on Minecraft Bedrock Edition! We team up with Po and the Furious Five to take on tons of enemies!

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    Zebra’s Minecraft Fun is a series where Zebra Gamer checks out the latest and most exciting content added to the Minecraft Market Place in Minecraft Bedrock Edition!

    More information about #Minecraft Bedrock Edition and the #KungFuPanda #KungFuPanda4 DLC:
    Unleash your inner AWESOMENESS with the DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda DLC! Master kung fu alongside Po and the Furious Five at the Jade Palace. Kick, punch, and skadoosh your way through this adventure map filled with action-packed battles, epic showdowns from the movies, and a multiplayer mode for pand-tastic fun!

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