Is this badge going away when the summer sale ends??

    Posted by Sufficient_Report319


    1. No this will be available till next major sale at end of year. You can get at anything before it

    2. The point shop badge only changes at the start of the Summer and Winter sales so the point shop badge will be Summer until late December. You have approximately 6 months to earn the points to level it up before it goes away but once you max it at 40 you dont even need to look at that page until the next summer or winter sale whichever is next in line.

      The card badge goes away aproximately 1 month after the summer and winter sales end. The current summer trading card badge has the cards expiring in the morning of August 8th. No new cards get generated once the sale ends but existing ones can continue to be bought.sold,traded to craft the badge until the cards are deleted. Make sure to get rid of any remaining sale cards before they expire or they become hardlocked ghosts in your inventory.

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