I already bought Baldur’s Gate 3, Stardew Valley and Dead or Alive 6. I want to take advantage of the sale and buy 2-3 more…but which one?

    Posted by Chocodelights


    1. master-goose-boy on

      Hogwarts, FFVII, FFVII Crisis Core.

      Just finished intergrade… the game will keep you hooked! And crisis core follows the story, definitely getting that one.

    2. just a heads up, I bought hogwarts legacy on the sale and it constantly crashes to the point of being unplayable. people are saying this started with the update they released in June and it hasn’t been fixed. I am not refunding it and am going to hold out for an update that hopefully comes soon but be warned you’ll probably have issues if you buy it and try to play now

    3. OriginalName687 on

      I really enjoyed Hogwarts Legacy but that’s the only game I played from your list.

    4. I wouldn’t recommend pal world tbh. When I played it the combat was hella boring, and that’s 70% of the game

    5. LeonSigmaKennedy on

      Definitely get FF7 Remake as one of them, easily one of the best JRPGs I’ve ever played

    6. I played and liked Hogwarts Legacy, Alice, and FF7. I recommend either. But Alice is so cheap, doubt that’s going to break the bank, right? So get it as a third.

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