Beating Elden Ring’s DLC with ONLY Summons

    hey everyone in this video I’m going to be trying to beat Elden Rings DLC shadow of the air tree using only new summons added in the DLC itself and of course I’m not allowed to attack I’ll be entering with a pre-built character in new game and starting right at the DLC entrance with no base game summons and of course we’ll need to collect all of the new DLC summons once we enter this was probably one of the most fun challenge runs I’ve done thus far so I hope you guys enjoyed the video and be sure to subscribe for more challenge vide videos in the future we are in business okay so the question is what summon do we get first it might be good to rush the shadow keep and get the golum I don’t know there’s so many spirits that we can try yeah I just I have the coded swords in case I need to fight anything like there there’s a fire giant that I can kill that drops a spirit buff like increases attack power of summons so I I don’t think I can summon for the fire Giants had the invalid run I want to get all the summons in the DLC I need to try them all out so you guys are going to need to kind of help me I could grab Black Knight Andreas in fog Rift fog Rift is over this way is it is he in the catacombs think so all right I only remember where a few of the summons are to be completely honest T is [ __ ] horrid we’ll see about that oh there’s two black knights there’s Andreas and Captain Hugh so there is one here this guy’s got a big hammer and shield oh Jesus that I’m dead is this not it wait a sec oh no it’s here I think okay this is what I deserved for the Run earlier okay man invalid yeah I I mean I think it’s fair to to fight where I can’t summon I mean I guess yeah it’s not a pacifist only run we’re just trying to beat the DLC bosses with only summon taada we got our Black Knight Commander no I’m not I’m not I don’t need a timer there’s really no point I mean it’s going to this run is going to take a long time I like maybe I should just use a timer cuz people like timers I guess like some people might just click on the stream if they see a timer all right you know what should we should we put on a timer chat you guys want the timer look at that sink somber one oh thank you Miaki you’re so kind yeah there’s so many low-l stones it’s like what do they think do they think majority of people playing are going to be coming here with like plus zero weapons I want to do a good amount of exploring on this run I need more somber smithing ones there is also a summon around here somewhere yeah you don’t remember a summon being here I could I could have sworn there’s a summon here Mesmer Soldier ashes are in reprimand okay I think that’s the one I’m thinking of yeah I I I think I just got it mixed up let’s go upgrade this summon guys I don’t know if we’re going to try it for Rana right away maybe we’ll go let’s I think maybe let’s upgrade this and try it on uh Yoda what if the summon is just like crazy strong wait did I even use any of the spirit Buffs yet I did not well I guess we’re going to try it with plus zero spirit and maybe Andreas is just like a beast all right Andreas show me your power oh God honestly Andreas is kind of strong I feel like I don’t even have to do anything this dude has let me solo her now the granted this is just like a dungeon boss yeah he’s pretty strong what oh what the hell what the heck was that all right well this fight is completely free though dude what is that attack it’s so weird finish him Ms or [Music] Andreas there’s a boss who has the same attack I feel like I might have gotten hit by that once hell yeah beautifully fought well now we got Yoda Yash let’s upgrade Mr Yash just for fun let’s use our spirit Buffs and let’s just see how they farare against Rana I don’t think it’s going to go very well all right Yash you got this champ go [ __ ] her up you missed 296 he’s [Music] gaming dude she can’t even hit him he’s too small [Music] get her Yoda I mean he’s he’s getting there it’s not [Music] great I’m going to run out of Mana flast though trying to heal this guy get him [Music] Yash o the combo oh I cannot attack the boss I am not allowed yeah I I’ll be honest I don’t think we have the resources for this and she hasn’t even gone Phase 2 yet oh the combo oh oh [ __ ] Yoda is bad Yoda has Rana nearly to phase two bro he’s gaming oh boy oh that wasn’t too much damage keep it up Yos no not me Yos you’re getting [ __ ] destroyed bro all right this is kind of futile I feel like I’m just delaying the inevitable no P I’m out of of heals guys I mean honestly not a bad attempt from Yash [Music] though goodbye buddy he’s pretty tanky actually honestly I don’t feel like this run is going to be too bad at least with the spirit Buffs clueless I don’t know we’ll see there’s a lot of summons that we have at our disposal I think we’ll be okay the final boss might be a problem and also Bale yeah B uh yeah I don’t know well I summon Egon for Bale too I mean he is a summon so tempting yes and here are the ashes beautiful oh I can summon here oh good God fight go get him guys go join The Fray are you sure about this one boss I don’t know if this one’s going to happen guys dude they’re doing like no damage at all 40 he’s doing 42 damage to this guy he’s PL he he’s plus 10 all right [ __ ] this how did Mesmer take over with that Army good question man I’m trying to think okay you know what let’s all right let’s go to the river cave and we’ll get the hexer ashes don’t mind me guys just coming through this isn’t it oh God I’m dead wait is it the boss that gives it all right I guess we’ll try the Mesmer soldiers I don’t know if this going to they’re going to be very good here dude stop afking bro all right yeah they’re damages oh man they’re shredding spear guy is just going right up the ass was checking his phone yeah oh these guys got this no problem am I allowed to debuff the boss uh I mean I I guess there are debuffs I can put on them but I don’t I don’t have I know the moose’s weapon can debuff bosses and make you do more damage all right well this is free don’t even have to worry dude the spear guy is MVP he just keeps going all right how do you think the hexer is going to be we still have not killed any main boss yet I might go try to pit this Blood fiend hexer against the hippo and just see how it goes streamer you should get healed from afar heal from afar I’m alive get him champ he’s applying bleed he’s applying pressure oh he’s hitting the knee hill God he’s doing nothing come on bleed proc oh there’s the bleed okay he’s gaming he’s just face tanking the jump oh he’s hitting the knee hill I’m keeping him busy he only did it once oh that kind of hurts him though he’s getting kind of bullied oh God he’s getting really hurt keep healing phase two is too strong no no all right let’s go get the Golem all right we got our we got our Golem that guy sucks apparently don’t you say that about taou tou was said to be the runt of the litter and the first to stop moving but it was he who became the guardian deity of Smith all right taou versus hippo here we go oh [ __ ] oh wow he doesn’t take much damage dude he’s just poisoned through tou might be the one guys he also has like does my heal heal him I think my heal will do his entire HP HP bar yo I think I think he’s going to kill him like look at how much the blessing of the air heals him for cuz his HP bar is so low hold I want to let him get really low I’m pretty sure I can yo he’s throwing his fists this guy’s made of freaking rocks hippo can’t do anything oh my God yeah look at that heal damn pay he’s a legend they’re both body slamming each other dude a th000 damage hit honestly I I feel like this guy might might just be able to solo the entire DLC but if he if he’s too op we’re going to have to we’re going to have to try other I mean I want to try all the summons anyways so honestly I think he’s going to work against everything because he just has so much damage resist and my heals are so effective on him that I I don’t really have to heal him that much but have a golden vow Buton he’s doing it he’s doing [Music] it finish him with the the ranged fists oh I couldn’t see the finishing blow well done Tao beautiful this guy is this guy’s kind of a beast yeah honestly I think I think that guy could probably just kill every boss so we’re going to have to we’ll we’ll save I don’t want to just have this run be taou only why not well I want to try the other stuff oh you know what let’s go get curse blade mirror oh I hate you Miyazaki why do you give me broken ruins I’m surprised those aren’t a purple icon I will say though man some of the loot in the DLC feels like so lackluster it it’s like painful you’re like at the end of the DLC and they’ll be giving you like a somber 2 like what what are what why holy buddy you need to hit the [Music] boss oh big damage I don’t know if the knee hill is going to work my man oh he’s going for the slap Strat oh oh huge hit he’s got the Holy Ground now he’s Unstoppable he’s got this easy though not even a problem for our boy oh my God look at that 1267 let lead [Music] proc oh I still need to put on heal from afar big poke all right curse blade mirror all right mirror knocked him down the spin the win oh no all right let me try the heal from afar you can aim it towards the end is pretty nice I mean mirror’s Mira’s getting there oh [ __ ] he reposted mirror oh he’s pissed no needs golden vow again wait ancient dragon man healed himself oh right he has a heal oh [ __ ] I don’t know this is going to be close actually we’re okay we got this we got this oh no that’s going to hurt oh God it that’s going to hurt me oh Jesus mirror please no Holy Ground oh that’s not good Holy Ground Holy Ground no block no mirror [ __ ] all right you know what let’s try Yash Yash is just going to going to do flips around this guy man oh jeez oh look at that damage yeah dude Yash is cooking he’s cooking oh [ __ ] look at look at him go the backflip okay Yash is so much better it’s actually insane he might apply so much pressure the boss might not even heal dude oh he healed he doesn’t even need me finish him okay you’re scaring me all right Yash way better dude at least for that fight I don’t know mirror doesn’t seem that strong we still need to get an armor set guys oh shoot maybe we should go back to the Bonnie jail and get the what what was it called the night armor yeah I’m you know what I think I’m most excited for chat is using the big mouth imp on the sunflower that thing is going to Nuke the sunflower in the face okay I’m going to run through the Grove and let’s go get the bird the bird ashes maybe I’ll put the bird against the lion [Music] oh the lion missed all right we got golden bow honestly he’s doing pretty good he’s getting stunned pretty easily though he does good damage when he can hit and if he if he does the peck look at that seven 700 12200 damage pretty big oh he’s flying over the attack dude look at that combo 1,800 get him birdie oh look at that the Lightning’s doing nothing he’s got the blessing of the the air tree he is just getting knocked the [ __ ] around though dude the AOE on this heal from afar is kind of nuts oh 1,500 combo I am face tank in the world I oh yeah he’s got this we got five man of flash left not a problem you’re almost there bud the pack goodbye birdie why no chain together world record I am busy playing Elden ring well so if we go this way we can get Fire Knight hild day I didn’t actually get any of the iris of Grace yet oh that was dirty that was so dirty bro am I dead what the [ __ ] okie dokie ah yes and we’re at the sunflower but we are not ready for the sunflower we need our big mouth imp for the sunflower Queen Mar I implore thee bestow thy Grace take not here you go Fire Knight Quine all right let’s see how Fire Knight Quine does against Rana he’s going to be really good guys for sure [Music] I don’t know I mean the damage seems good he is doing pretty good damage he just gets hit and he just keeps swinging he’s kind of going in this guy is the definition of face tank dude all right well he’s got this this isn’t the summons are kind of cracked in the DLC at least with the with the spirit Ash feel like he’s got this no problem phase I guess Phase 2 might prove to be more problematic but he’s doing really good damage keep healing him keep the heals [Music] pumping oh my God look at that damage yeah the heal the AOE of this heal is so insane like here let’s see how far away can I hit him from will this work almost [Music] [Applause] [Music] it did like no damage to him he’s going in the boss doesn’t even care about [Music] me especially cuz I don’t even have to get close oh look at that oh God never mind I SP I’m sorry Brana I didn’t mean it easy fight look at those red eyes dude all right yeah the Quine seems honestly like really good all right let’s go get Fire Knight Hill Day it’s fine we got it all right let’s try this guy for guas here we go oh here he comes oh Lord he angry oh my God this guy is this guy is tanky as hell he’s getting knocked down pretty easily though this is actually not looking great it’s fine I boosted his damage he’s got this now oh my God bro dude I love how he just hit he hits me to the ground and then charges me oh my god dude look at that charge you did 2,000 damage reset yeah we might need to hit a quit out here I don’t think it’s happening Guys Hill day is not coming out for this all right we’re delaying the inevitable all right let’s go get the manfly AHA the manfly ashes wait does that summon three of them oh [ __ ] okay use to summon the spirits of three man flies two of the man flies attack foes from the air while the third spits poison from the rear the third spits poison from the rear I think they mean like defensive formation wise and not like that chat but all right we are going to go back to the cat we’re going to go to the catacombs and go get our big mouth imp all right relax all right yeah try to hit try to hit me with that [ __ ] now you can’t even hurt me okay he can still hurt me I like that when the player uses that spell it’s like just [ __ ] aha we got our ashes chat the big mouth imp gun unlocked all right well we got our manfly ashes to+ 10 I don’t think they’re going to be very good but you never know [Music] ouch we’re going to give them protection of the air Dee come on guys F him up get him Champs I mean I will say from from the summon runs I’ve done in the past having multiple enemies attacking a boss is generally a good [Applause] thing yo he’s trying to he’s poisoning what if he gets a poison proc he did get a poison proc yo oh my God they’re going in look at this damage the other one is just face tanking the whole thing 4,000 damage oh [ __ ] he’s poisoning from the rear yo dude they are just eliminating the boss over there like look at the damage they just don’t stop he’s still poisoning he’s crazy and I can heal them for so much oh my God these these ashes are kind of goated for this fight I love seeing the damage counter go so high cuz the poison oh no heal from afar kill our poison boy dude how long does the manfly poison last he’s still poisoned or did he reapply it like oh no don’t let this guy die no poison boy I’m sorry I let you down he did great job though well that was pretty good dude the it seems like the poison from the manfly is stronger or last longer he might have gotten a he might have reapplied it at some point during that fight but it seemed like the poison just lasted the entire time torrent I wonder if it’s actually possible to survive a grab from these guys or if it’s always just like guaranteed to kill you thanks for leaving can I not summon yet of your fo against this guy I guess not I guess the fight has to start first all right go get him ornes holy ornes is kind of big oh man orus is kind of going in what the [ __ ] it’s like flying around okay ores is going to win this I’m pretty sure honestly I I will say I do think doing this with like a base character summon only would also I actually think it would have been possible like these summons are so strong like most of the time I’m not even close to running out of [Music] Mana ah that was against the wall dude ornus is just slaying he’s just face tanking he has so much points he doesn’t even care heal from afar what the hey that hit me it’s fine air Tre heal op I will face tank the world no follow up oh he dodged it dude he just dodged that entire [Music] combo some dude the the heal spell is so good cuz you can you can aim it up until like the last moment as well so I could I could be facing the wrong direction and just do like a 180 he healed he’s almost there finish him the stom orness is pretty strong I didn’t even use my physic I could have boosted his damage apparently it’s only 7% extra damage though on the summons all right scorpion vers scorpion here we [Music] go ouch okay the Scorpion is not doing great it is literally it is literally doing nothing all right I got to say scorpion seems very bad use black knife TSH I’m only using summons from the DLC let’s try orus make an exception for soul jars I mean they just explode and die though you can’t kill anything with them I did use the physic for yeah dude orus seems like one of the best in the DLC I’m not going to lie he’s got good damage reduction he’s got strong DPS combos like oh my God look at that oh look at that bird feather dude that oh my yeah this guy is this guy is a legend just fly over the boss’s attacks no problem man he’s he’s taking like no damage at all yeah this this enemy this this could be the best summon of the [Music] DLC should probably golden bombom again oh he used the ranged attack beautiful 1,700 not bad not bad I’m fine that’s kind of scary w oh God all right big big [Music] combo okay I just I wasn’t ready to dodge man and then I couldn’t even see the [Applause] boss finish her beautiful all right orus seems like one of the best summons in the DLC taou is probably a bit tankier maybe but his damage output is so much worse all right so I’m thinking we just summon Egon for this fight and just try to have him solo it surely he can do it if we heal him H you Bale I’m hereby You Will Rule this day Behold a true great warrior and your Fe [ __ ] him up eon [Music] he has not hit him [Music] yet you got you’re kind of kind of doing not so good maybe we should maybe we should summon summon more you might be Dragon I will ridle it home to r hi a he can do this he can do this solo surely with every last drop of my being he can hit it Egon I oh I can’t even see his [ __ ] Health we might need a Double Summon for this one fellas Yoda all right I’ll try Yoda just for fun he’s kind of [ __ ] him up gosh is kind of going in Goos is kind of gaming where the hell even is Eon oh there he is scale you oh look at that shot but I will riddle withold your Rh with the hail of harpoons with every life just drop my being right I gave him golden bow protection of the air tree give him some fire protection I’m fine keep it up champ gosh you’re doing good Egon is roaring [Music] we’re [Music] fine keep healing oh big damage ooh look at that oh my God 3,000 damage he’s cooking I will heal you Egon Through the Fire In [Music] Flames all right golden golden bow Egon blessing of the air tree we need to heal up Yash [Music] oh look at that shot keep heing gosh oh my God it bounced off the [Music] wall gosh you need heals they doing [Music] it gosh [Music] no oh we got him a bail The Dread you shall haunt me no longer what a fight Yos and Egon pretty good all right what do we have left uh oh yeah we can go get the let’s go get the summon come with me it’s time to fight gas same looking too great doesn’t have much po oh my God I don’t think Flor sax is it guys 160 damage I don’t know man support summon yeah all right um I want to go to the there is actually a summon over in the catacombs here I want to get Black Knight Captain Hugh oh he’s right there nice I don’t know if I want to I mean I guess we could just kill the boss here I I think this is the way further down right let’s try mea again I don’t think mea’s killed anything yet all right let’s golden B miror all right buff with the uh the physic rallying standard all right let’s see that damage mirror 480 not bad oh woo that hurt hey hey not me Mira’s got this though she’s got it with 58 a heals yeah I know most of these dungeon bosses are pretty easy for the most part like most summons can can kill these dungeon bosses realistically well done mirror all right [Music] oh man W he’s oh he’s he’s good he’s really good oh I think this guy can do it for sure his damage is really solid here oh look at that combo 17 1655 man he’s chunking gas doesn’t even care about me he’s so pissed yeah I didn’t even give him standard true there you go Bud oh I didn’t use my physic oh he’s going to do so much damage now gas is these make me fly through my potions I think we got this though no that’s not what I wanted to use oh my God I need to keep healing him oh God that did a lot of damage too buddy keep it up champ I’m going to pump the heals woo all right yo Captain Captain Hughes kind of kind of cracked he’s pretty good is Hugh the best summon overall so honestly orus and Hugh have both seemed pretty dang good taou is strong but well I haven’t used taou in a while he might do a lot more damage now that I have level 9ine of the spirit blessing uh all right I think there’s only two summons that we have left it’s the horned Warrior and The Inquisitor which is in the final section oh and yolan and Anna so let’s go burn the [Music] tree oh [ __ ] we still have to do Mesmer I forgot okay I always forget that you actually need to do Mesmer to do this I’m going to try the Mesmer Soldier ashes I think that’s only fitting help me soldiers kill your master wait they’re kind of [ __ ] them up they’re kind of going in should be able to get one here all right big damage give him the golden vow beautiful oh that’s going to hurt I can keep them alive no problem though they got this they got the oh I mean maybe Phase 2 will be weird but I think they got this man look at that damage they are chunking bro the four patch it’s always a one shot when he grabs you are you sure that’s that’s just not true but oh get them guys the healing is so strong though them all buffed up Commander standard for him oh yeah they are tanking hard now I’m EXC I got to say I’m excited to do a viewer run in the DLC with the with the with this healing spell it’s pretty fun get him get him guys God a curse upon me Mesmer soldiers are pretty good all right we’re going to try The Inquisitor ashes I think it’s going to be terrible but we’re going to try it anyways just to see [Music] you got this guys maybe they’ve got like a hidden attack that does crazy damage 76 wow oh look at that fire breath okay these guys are trash just get me out of here dude all right the horned Warrior I’m feeling good about this guy this gu big he’s waiting for the [Music] Buffs go get them champ they’re all buffed up got [Music] stunn he’s doing good damage though like holy crap 3,000 damage combo he chunking you might even get a stagger on this boss maybe dude he’s just go oh my God he bleeds he bleeds okay wait this guy is crazy oh th000 damage woo oh my oh [ __ ] he’s about to get another bleed proc soon ah he missed his oh my god look dude look at that combo that he just did oh man the horn Warrior might be might be the best actually this guy’s a [ __ ] beast he’s just face tanking he doesn’t care come on get that bleed frck 4,000 damage oh no buddy ah he’s fine oh my God the triple i i w h I almost threw there but I was ready for the triple jump thankfully that’s kind of scary wow this guy is he’s so tall too the summon is carrying me yeah all right guys uh let’s see what what fights do we have left I think it’s just the sunflower and the final the final fights unless I’m forget oh no no no we still need to do the putrescent KN let’s do that first let’s not forget about him this [Music] time he’s going crazy I don’t know their damage just doesn’t seem that good but apparently they bleed I think you can bleed this boss right maybe can bleed it all right well we’ll find out I mean they’re doing damage it’s not bad think they’re having a hard time actually hitting the boss though I don’t know man if they’re going to bleed I feel like they would have done it already he must be very resistant or something I don’t know I kind of want to give an I mean they’re doing good I I think they could I mean they could definitely do this I’m curious how Andreas is on this fight should I should I give him a shot chat oh that’s some good damage [Music] though that was not oh yeah 869 oh the big hit the big smash Honestly though I think the horned Warrior If he if he does the special attack like the horned Warrior is probably the best for this fight you want to see that dude’s slap we need to see we need to see him hit the weapon art oh there we go oh come on man [Music] honestly Andreas I mean I don’t know we got to see the weapon art this guy does hit pretty hard this might just be bad RNG come on hit the weapon art oh big combo like his combos are just so strong oh here we go well he got a bit of it off Mesmer soldiers could be good but I mean we can we can try all the summons on radon oh he’s just going to destroy them anyways so Yoda did well vers bail he did all right all right easy fight for the horn Warrior Andreas could have done it easily as well all right we have the sunflower it is time for Omega [Music] l oh he already got a hit him all right Mr M shoot him in the face that’s not the face oh this is not this is not come on shoot boom oh look at him go Big Mouth imp this is your time buddy he has no Poise it doesn’t matter beautifully beautifully done all right we got two more phases Bud oh right in the [Music] face he needs to hit the head oh there we go good head [Music] hit oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] up I should have healed I didn’t I didn’t think that was going to kill me’s trying to attack with his mouth oh the miss [Applause] [Music] oh what a shot oh this could be a good hit oh [Music] nice come [Music] on take a shot ah okay nice good hit another one maybe nice can we get three no probably not oh [Music] wait he can’t get good hits the positioning is messed up he’s he’s confused Big Mouth wake up there you go six Mana CL left that’s probably enough [Music] oh stopped him right in his tracks oh so close dude oh come on you were so close to the Head nice hit okay oh another good [Music] hit easy head shot oh unfortunate okay ooh another head shot oh he’s cooking all right hit him in in the face yeah another one come on hit him in the face no no not that attack not that attack finish him oh he shot in the wall no [Music] woo what a beautiful summon he did it I knew he could do it chat I just knew it all right well we just have uh we just have the two final fights left now all right just for fun we’ll try taou but I this is going to be awful you can’t even hit him said it would be lord of the earth tree Lord of Maran I mean he’s not doing bad you give him golden vow you buff him up all right he’s at Max damage 1,000 taou is dead I don’t know why but they’re just full aggro on the Golem he’s just going to full let me solo her you heard my boy all right well honestly I think T’s got this I’m a little curious how yolan and Anna would would have done but I don’t want want to take this away from taou taou hasn’t been summoned since like the beginning of the game [Music] so oh no l you weren’t supposed to notice I’m here finish off Dane buddy finish [Applause] him he’s dead Taylor we’re almost there chat just a few more Bonks honestly I think taou is definitely the best choice for this fight though like his Poise is just unmatched he is a brick wall one more one more tou make the world he did it what a good guy good rock golum okay I want to try yolan and Anna for this fight I’m curious how they’re going to do because apparently they bleed all right I mean the bleed proc nice they ran into my heal beautiful need to keep healing [Music] oh no I missed my heal oh phas two this is where things are going to get dangerous yeah if if he grabs your mimic twice does he kill it it turns against you could you imagine it’s fine I’m healing [Music] he grabbed one of them [Music] no God he grabbed another one least you grabbed the wait they both have oh no got another bleed frck oh no no don’t kill kill [Music] [Music] him no oh my God this [ __ ] boss oh it was dead anyways all right well let’s try I’m curious how ta I I I don’t think taou is going to do very good damage he’s going to be really tanky but I really don’t think he’s going to do much gets kind of well I can heal him for a lot but I mean he can’t oh he stunned him tou wake up all right actually all right ta is kind of shredding th000 damage just like that boom woo 1,200 get him [Music] tou he’s just face tanking him he doesn’t even [Music] [Music] care good job Tao staying out of the circle taking it nice and slow smart wow that hits get him taou boom yeah tou is just an aggro machine everybody hates taou for some reason yeah that guy in chat is seeding right now I’m about to beat Ron with with only healing I’m going to get myself killed oh my God I’m a [ __ ] idiot dude can’t get grabbed he does take a lot of damage from the meteors though yo he hit redon midair did you see that he hit him with the the fist what a Chad oh [Music] [ __ ] I’m not throwing this time halou Everyone’s Watching Hal doesn’t need to dodge no he doesn’t you’re about to kill the hardest boss tou you’re doing it whoa he attacked me woo what a legend tou the Elden Lord I got to say taou probably the if if there’s a boss that hits a like does crazy Combos and stuns the summons taou just just works he just doesn’t get knocked down he can’t get knocked down even the only thing that can happen is he just like slumps over for a few seconds if he gets hit like an insane amount he is very slow though I think if I was to if I was to do a tier list taou is definitely an S tier or he’s the best the sisters were okay I don’t know some people were like it’s the best summon in the DLC and I’m I don’t know I think they’re overrated overrated compared to the promised consort taou yeah

    Decided to do a challenge where I have to beat all of the DLC using ONLY New summons from the DLC itself. Honestly pretty fun run, few summons definitely stood out as the strongest. Some are laughably bad. Hope you guys enjoy the run and can learn a bit about the DLC summons!

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