Hey everyone just letting you know there's gonna be a bit of a text wall coming so be prepared.

    Went into my local cash converters (thirft store) and ask the clerk if they were still accepting 360 games as I hadn't see any in a while, he respons no but he has a 360 console. Now I'm not looking for a console and I'd get killed if I brought another home, yet this was a pre launch xenon (Australia) and eh, no harm testing it it was only 25 dollars anyway.

    Clerk brings back the cords and a hdd for the console and we set it up turn it on – no luck. I unplug everything and plug it in again, it boots so good sign, tv turn on and BAM, blades dashboard. I freak for 1 second then compose myself as to not make the clerk suspicious that this console is valuable, he ask if I want it, I reply yes but ask to have it for 20 dollars and he agrees.

    Now you could consider me a bit of a collector considering I have 3 other 360 consoles but still had to take it home, sneak it past my mum in my bad and hide it in my room.

    I then set it up and my yiayia and pappous house they won't care and don't want to risk my parents seeing it.

    Also should I keep it or sell it and leave it sealed or refurbish it, consoles in near perfect condition so let me know, thanks

    So yeah I got a blades dash xenon for 20 dollars with the factory seal in tact and complete minus controller.

    Posted by LoinIkon

    1 Comment

    1. God, that brings me memories, i would feel like my 2008 self if i had this with me. Good find!

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