One or maybe two things that you HATE but almost every game have.

    Posted by Accomplished-Rock164


    1. Accomplished-Rock164 on

      I’ll go first! For me the first one is definitely the ” follow the slow asf npc ” type of quests and the second thing is the amount of useless (in game or not) cutscenes that some games have. Like, putting a cutscene literally just to speak one or two words like follow me or we need to do something or some others phrases. I mean, sometimes you just walk for a few seconds and BOOM! Useless cutscene of some few seconds! It’s annoying must of the time.

      Yes, I used a image of Ghost of Tsushima for example since for ME, the game have a LOT of the two things that I mentioned so… Don’t hate me, that’s not the point of the discussion. 😂

    2. Similar to OPs: I really hate the sections of games where you are “controlling” the character in a scene where they are severely wounded, drugged, sick, etc and they barely move and instead hobble, limp and sway around. Just make that shit into a shorter cutscene and not a gruelingly drawn-out, player controlled section. It’s not fun at all.

    3. Delightful_Doom on

      you fight in battle with other ai teammates but the only time enemies take damage is when you hit them and having a hill or something you should be able to climb over to get to the next spot but no go all the way around.

    4. HeadlessMimir on

      Glad someone brought this up because I want to get this off my chest. 😂
      Those sections where your character gets hit with something like shrooms or some gas and you need to play this entire psychedelic portion where left is right and vice versa…yeah, I hate those.

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