I’m gonna let r/casualnintendo decide a Top 50 Nintendo games of all time list, so far vote for the 50th spot, most upvoted comment wins

    Posted by Iamverydumbazz


    1. DavidFromDeutschland on

      It’s not really smart to start at the bottom as their is no general feeling. Especially for many people. This should probably start at number 1 for a more accurate list

    2. This involves us listing our own top 50, which is more than most people have played I believe, and then saying what’s towards the bottom of the list of games we can actually remember playing. I can’t lie, this is a poor idea given how wide the range is and how we have to work our way up, so we are scrambling for games we very solidly feel “meh” about instead of *any* we care about.

    3. KingOfMasters1000028 on

      I am with everyone else. It is so much to start from the top. I suggest deleting this post and making a new one or just edit the post if you can.

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