all right we did it in 15 videos but anyways it has come down to this the final part of the expansion foren ring I got to say that this is one of my favorite games I covered in a long time and it’s all because of you the comments helped form this series The likes the views everything else was amazing as well but it’s like I wouldn’t have experienced half the game without your help so I love you all thanks for supporting this and let’s go ahead and get this and we’re finally back all right so before we go to the main area which I’m actually just going to go there pretty much right after this one thing I found this over here I was just kind of running around I’ve been collecting some of the uh tree fragments if you would I’m up to like 15 right now it’s mostly at places I’ve already been to but I saw this pillar and it put it on the map but I went up it and apparently it’s this thing right here there’s a chest at the top I didn’t want to open I wanted to like save it for the video plus it’s also got a really nice view kind of shows you where we’ve been where we’re going it’s like a summary kind of but I’m excited for the final part of this game thank you all for joining me on this series like I said in the intro this has been a tremendous game to cover I enjoyed it back in 2022 and I’m really enjoying it now it’s like well as I say that I’m getting messed up and also my flask so apparently I was at plus 10 I went back and got the sacred tiers I was missing it was like two spots I never actually visited in like the main game did that as well I saw this I’m like what does this thing even do it’s just right here by itself yeah this has been one of my favorite games to cover in quite some time I feel like even after I finished some when to like get all the stuff still yeah here’s like the view and everything so I came up here and I saw like obviously the tree you know but you can see over there and it’s like if you go all the way right you can see the dragon area you know kind of want just like observe everything like the scale of this game is like the fact that you can see the fire thing down there from this distance is insane all right let’s open this chest I’m not even sure what it does please be good ooh ancient and what is this so this is a very center oh is it I guess it’s close enough right okay here’s what we’re going to do we’re going straight into the belly of the Beast which was right over here there was like another part of Shadow keep I wanted to go check out but think I’ll do it if I do any bonus content for the game all right so here we go let make sure I got my stuff right hold on so I’ve got everything kind of set up for the uh the blood arm which is the charge attacks actually let me change something else as well I think I yeah I got the same one I’m going to try this out for a little bit make it blood this is like the Slam in the ground so this is supposedly like one of the better ones you know but I changed that and also got the towels but I’m going to try this one not charged cuz I’m not actually doing the skills anymore so I’m going to I may try it I’m not really sure yet and then we got this one two handed weapons and then that and then of course Lord of blood it was an enemy right when you come up here I believe this has been a really amazing series thank you all for making it you know one of my absolute favorites I think Elder ring would go down as like one of the all-time best games I’ve ever covered hold on that does so much damage it’s actually insane uh let’s see what’s over here so this should be like a brand new section this feels like invisible steps type doesn’t isn’t it not going to test it out though I’ve heard the final boss of this game is absolutely nuts and I’m just hoping it’s not going to take my entire night but it is what it is time to roll or what this is a pretty cool area oh was a SED Grace Hold on let me go around I’m not sure exactly what’s going to happen but oh this is already getting like nervous it’s like one of those you know what it reminds me of although it’s not one of my favorite movies I’ve always appreciated for what it was gone in 60 seconds if you’ve never seen it check it out um it’s that part in the movie where they have like almost all the cars except for Elanor and that boost me song kicks in they’re looking at like the the black light board and it just like we got to get this one you know like it’s the final one hold on there’s like multiple paths here we can go upstairs let’s try going up first or actually let’s see what’s over here really quick that’s kind of where I’m at with this game it’s like you know it’s like the finale essentially seems familiar okay so we got multiple things here we got the elevator on this side which is that okay let’s go up let’s go up here really quick hopefully it’s just like a dead end because if it’s like there’s a entrance there never mind what is this hold on what’s this even go to jumping required ahead okay no horse here so we’re pretty much stuck try [Music] running uh what all right I guess I’ll go for it you know what that’s fine it’s supposed to happen right maybe I should have sprinted I don’t know I was just kind of like going for it I’m like maybe this is right we’ll see all right so not reading notes ever again I’m going to here’s what I’ll do we got the section on this side which looks like maybe well there’s this thing here hold [Music] on this is a pretty nice looking area I don’t know what to expect here though oh my God hold on uh [Music] what you got nice a spear Dash from that interesting I might have to teleport back to that side of Grace here in a minute because I feel like this is a dead end [Music] this does so much noise like it’s insane pretty sure they’re going to like Nerf this into the ground but I’ve seen a lot of other builds there’s actually another Blood build that just popped up like literally right before I recorded this video that I was like I got to try that too because it’s even stronger than this and apparently using Shields against stuff is now like op as well which I I guess everything I’ve seen a perfume build that’s like insane how’s it going it does kind of have like a dream fill to it doesn’t it look get the TR we can actually jump onto it looks like you can go across but there’s an item over there problem is if I go there now oh there’s an enemy right here hold on uh this looks kind of tough actually let me uh what is this that was not a boss but they got the same mask as interesting that was the same mask as that like very first boss in the actual DLC [Music] interesting this reminds me that one section in uh the base game where there was just like I actually think it was like close to the end of the game cuz you’re running along like the trees and stuff pretty high up hopefully this is not a dead end trying to get this item incantation cost 48th Faith [Music] okay this just loops around it looks like so to get back I just go across again but there’s like the area below us as well what is hold on is that like a it’s like a bug or something just like hanging from the tree I’m I’m I’m good I think I’m good this is how you get back apparently okay that makes that was kind of scary it’s like it just kind of pushed me off it’s like it was a dead end kind of the enemy types here is kind of different you know that looks different hold on so we got like spots everywhere we can actually go and check out going to take my time with this section I guess okay get off me let’s just keep it off it’s whatever 9,000 that’s crazy I don’t even have the tal on to help us anymore another one nice it’s pretty cool it’s like it just definitely feels like the end of the game you know probably a lot of hidden stuff here too I’m going to probably miss but you know I’m thinking about doing a new game plus anyways I’ve seen some people be like on like new game plus 7 you know and I’m like I guess I’m worried they’re going to have like another expansion down the road you know and then I’m kind of like stuck with wait can we go in here hold [Music] on I bet this’s all kind of like crazy lore for this section [Music] cuz there’s like look at the statues like hanging off the side [Music] there all right so we killed the other guy across the bridge or whatever this was the lightning masked [Music] enemy what do this say running oh oh okay it’s one of these types of fights I’m probably dead let me back up I got to reset hold on is it all the way over here still no way like really uh before we do anything else get the turkey leg ready this thing absolutely melts really I can’t even move that was actually kind of crazy how much damage it was actually doing and I was just trying to just dodge everything wait a minute same thing I’m dead I knew it I knew that was going to happen I’m gonna just Sprint P oh there’s a door right there interesting so that enemy wasn’t the one doing that I feel like even if I run it seems like it all catches up to you like you can’t really avoid it unless you just like wait for them to all pop up maybe let’s go again I guess now this is where we started the fact that they still run down that way is funny we get across here I want to go back to the other side cuz it’s like the elevator too came up here I’m just going to run past everything if I can let me just pop this just in case I don’t think there’s any getting around the other side though go for it see you [Music] I’m more worried about these oh wait does this one pop back up oh it does oh boy why did it not do the little thing now when you start swinging you’re kind of committed you know all right same as last time all right the problem oh I see the one up there so you could do a ranged attack I’m assuming the problem is even if I get past this other one I may just try to run past this one and get the door open at least am I I think I’m safe as long as I’m like over here come on buddy okay forget my runes they can keep them those enemies are nuts it does so much damage it’s like I’m trying to just avoid it but once you get caught up in the crossfire it’s over hey it’s one of these uh okay I abandon here all my fears this is a very nice sight of Grace my goodness that cost four we’ve almost got so this goes to 20 this goes to 10 getting close not going to get them all for the end of the game obviously because this is the end of the game I’m [Music] assuming I’m sure what we’re about to fight up here but it’s like never ending stairs seek behind I’m guessing we go out this side oh makes things a lot easier you know the beautiful part about this section is now that I got that side of Grace right there next to us I can literally just start from here every single time this section is insane stay calm trying to I can to see I’m nervous but rooftop pops with the birds oh my goodness man the damage on just like the wind up shock wve thing it sent towards me did so much [Music] this place has a lot of stuff to it I’m just trying to like explore but also not waste too much time item ahead smithing Stone eight I’ll take it I’m actually curious if you watched up to this point what’s been like your favorite part of the entire series like for me probably the very beginning because I felt like that buildup to just like having no idea what I’m getting into was just like next level but a lot of the boss fights have been really good too hey Spirit Dash let’s go so we’re just climbing this over and over there’s got to be an enemy right here hold on why is there a blood stain unless it was from that well they’re getting far hold on they’re getting far from like this direction oh no hold on who’s over here he just keeps going up this is actually insane oh hold on hold on it’s like a different type of element I successfully got hit by all that there’s an item back there too should be good there hey fragment let’s go baby there’s a lot of them here too that must have saved a lot for the end somber nine interesting yeah there’s items just like hidden throughout like what is this consumable use FP to Hill allies wait what is down there probably not going to find everything in this video but I may do like follow-up content I’ll see how the last couple of parts do and then kind of go off that hey the more side of Graces the better okay we’re just going up now okay nice is there anything back this way though so it’s like the dead end we Branch off and then we’re there’s an item right there it’s like I want to hop down to get it but I’m going to wait I can always come back I’m chilling that does so much damage uh looks like it just keeps going up hold on let me see what this so does this take us back down or like it’s got to go down right let’s just double check here’s one thing it’s like there was that elevator in the entrance that’s how you get that one I’m sure okay interesting all right all right so what I could do is use this grab this item hop down and pull the switch I’m hoping that’s right I just barely missed it okay there we go Helm okay it’s probably pretty cool um how do we get down I don’t see a good way to do that seems like everything’s going to kill us probably I could try like Landing right here on the edge okay that’s not too bad we’re chilling all right now we can go back up [Music] it’s been one of those games it’s like I’m going to miss it when it’s over but I’m really happy to actually have like accomplished getting all this done and I’m happy that my progress from like 2022 carried over to where I could actually cuz I thought cuz I don’t know anything about like Dark Souls DLCs or I’m not like sure if it’s like a brand new game or what I’m just happy I can use the same character and I recently downloaded like Dark Souls 3 and 2 again on PC to try those out I haven’t played sense playing Elden ring don’t think oh no try bow I guess I could do that um I’m going to pop this again well then these enemies are nuts they’re like mini bosses before everything else whereas I’ve done a number of times in this area mainly because the enemies hit so much like the difficult these skele Lots since being over here we got to go all the way back so the thing is what I can do is Skip around some of these birds and stuff I don’t know if I have to actually fight everything again probably not but I’m just going to like just try to rush through everything do so much damage come on I’m just going to run past him forget this coming through the one time I’ve like been thinking about going back was that one elevator thing I saw like early on it’s crazy how much damage these enemies actually do so it’s like different elements the last one’s like electric now this one is two hits but still I could easily have died right there ooh Divine Beast Warrior armor and the helm I’ll take it didn’t get that last time which is kind of weird so now just like returning to this spot again okay all right so we’re back to we were this is kind of problematic because this enemy does so much damage on these things last like 60 seconds and all that but I just want to just make sure I’m doing enough damage to where I can just get through it I’m even going to top off Health as well this is what killed me last time so this is like a wind type thing what oh my God that lifting attack was insane we got the great sword nice so basically you’re getting the full armor set for each of these if you just keep killing them I’m guessing what does this say horse dog that’s funny everybody’s like questioning it like huh there’s got to be another side of grece soon cuz I feel like this this is probably the toughest section in the entire game which is not good because I know like the ending is near and I’m already getting kind of [Music] nervous sight of Grace Let’s Get It Baby Woo getting a little bit conicus back there the enemies just hit so hard it’s like another fragment nice so we got to 16 out of 20 no friend ahead uh is this a boss fight or something you know what let’s um let’s pop everything we got going to like repop one of these I thought I’d see you here it’s been quite some time it was never kindly Micha was it the UR tree was leading you all along so that you might Ascend to lordship I come to these lands to begin with I suppose it must be what his Eminence or perhaps the Earth tree desired all along the Clashing of the favored Lords such that one would prevail so be it if you insist upon facing Micha the kind then I will Ru you through whoever you might be don’t TR now s like an NPC thing uh be summon to challenge him I wonder if I I mean should I offer fortitude what is so you can have people help you huh that’s weird I’m guessing it’s just like let’s do it I guess we fight him here wait a minute we got loading screen oh it reset don’t you dare approacha needle Knight’s letter dry Le day and our allies will never allow this all right who am I [Music] fighting is just as the woman said it would be lord of the earth tree Lord of America you two deserve to face Reckoning nice got one there’s another one wait what oh it’s basically everybody I’ve seen throughout the game you and I fight that Shield does a lot of damage what this is kind of scary there more oh no this is like everybody we’ve seen if they were at aight of Grace at one point they’re back now oh God forever I’m sorry for speaking to you as a when we stood before [Music] the this is kind of scary [Music] by way of apology I will reveal the matter kindly we got another one make the world the handang combat though what might as well like the bail fight when you get actually to someone like the infy to help you healing [Music] again I have no range in this build but every time I’m like trying to do an [Music] attack nice we got the sword interesting I bet the sword is really good too so it’s pretty much everybody that was standing in a path essentially that was a cool fight it wasn’t really like a traditional boss fight it was just like a bunch of uh I guess it was just like a bunch of ads we kind of like all the NPCs from the actual game we got the Bell bearing and all the armor the great Shield as well that’s so sick let there be sleep let me check all the bodies really quick ooh I really like that armor set Dane’s footwork oh that’s so sick hold on hand to hand as well I’m so happy I got this those attacks are going to be so much fun to try out that might be the one I use for like the Batman build I want to check out got the armor for it it’s just a matter of like is there anything else here I felt like rivers of blood might have been better for that fight but I just want to get some practice with this cuz I feel like I’m going to be using this for a while until they Nerf it which I’m pretty sure they [Music] will well done all right so now what oh we got the armor it’s like all the stuff’s kind of spread out too blood loss buildup okay I swear I’m missing something what’s up here hopefully a side of Grace or something okay before we go any further it looks like wait what does this say all right before we go up let me just go back and check in that room one more time because I felt like I missed something cuz I found like pieces here and there of different armor sets and everything but not I’m just like scan the area from left to right I feel like we’re probably okay okay having the urge to just like recently play older Souls games not sure which ones but I don’t know I may want to like go back and try the other ones that I’ve missed over the years now that I feel more I guess in tune with like the way the games are supposed to actually work the combat everything the timing guess we’ll see I see a blood thing there so there like another enemy on the bridge hey there’s a sight of Grace right here so how do people die out here though wait what I don’t see any enemies unless they jumped off hold on I have to see this one right uh what that’s kind of weird it’s like all these stains right here and it’s like I don’t really know exactly why all right so there a boss up here um what happened to them it’s got to be a ledge fall right what why would you do that all right I’m not popping anything just want to see what this is and then we’ll I guess see what happens Traverse the Mist my loyal blade and champion of the festival both your deeds will ever be praised in song Now The Vow will be honored and my Lord Brother soul will return so that he may be my consort [Music] fighting them again okay take that that’s pretty good damage it’s kind of like those okay what do I attack I can see why people use the great shield for this it’s actually crazy how much uh [Music] yeah it’s going to take some getting use to I mean I did decent damage I felt like but I didn’t pop anything so we’ll see what happens now all right I think I’m ready um this is going to be tough probably going to be here for a while so what I’m going to probably do is pop all my stuff and just try to go damaging as fast as I can my talman’s let’s see I got the charge attacks one that’s good twoh handed weapons got to make sure to use that we also got this and this one and for this I actually went ahead and put on Boost charge attack power and stance break easier I feel like this game just has so many good enemies you know doing this all in like order is kind of funny I’m trying to like remember everything I die in one shot here oh my God massive damage baby Lord Brother at long last you are returned tarnished one aspiring lord of the old order if you have known sin if you grieve for this [Music] world then yield the path forward to us [Music] do I niola and my promised consort [Music] Ron all right this is about to be nuts I don’t any of the move sets here I’m getting cooked already [Music] I’m probably dead promise you what is this thousand year Voyage Guided by compassion I’m dead or what oh no it’s like a debuff there’s so many attacks there’s like no room for error at all the camera angle I don’t know what that thing happened to me was it’s like I got so that’s the second phase okay so it’s not like the main boss of the base game where it transforms I guess it it did kind of transform there but you know what I mean like it wasn’t like a full-fledged uh I guess like a hor of the boss putting my light on why Brad come on let’s do this first golden Val flame pretty sure this should still work for this build right that’s crazy how much damage that actually does I mean straight to the second phase my God now we get some practice let’s [Music] go I just run away or what it’s still going never mind I’m dead oh no this is the grab thing okay maybe I’m fine a thousand year Voyage Guided by compassion I got to heal quickly oh my God like when do I attack there’s so much going on I can see why this is the toughest boss in the entire game this like even though I’m doing insane damage the patterns of attacks for the second phase at least is insanity okay we’re going to be here for a while probably i f the first first phase I’m kind of just like plowing through it the second phase not so much um you know what I will see I might take off the blessing thing it’s kind of getting in the way of just like being able to pop it and be comfortable [Music] ah come on you know I think it’s so it’s random the first attack reminds me like the Mesmer fight where they Dash towards you land you can get like one good hit off so if I can get lucky with like this I guess the follow-up attack of that seems like it would be better if I can just like get them to like do the same thing um okay feel like everything’s fine I just got to like learn the move set this is like every fighting game I’ve ever played it’s just you got to like study the patterns no one to attack and everything I just messed that up well there goes my initial damage phase so wait really a stagger already that was unexpected that wasn’t probably supposed to happen I feel like [Music] [Music] oh no not this again I’m dead [Music] that’s a cool looking attack I’m how do I dodge that okay instant kill nice so first phase not too bad second phase absolutely pandemonium for sure h part of me is thinking about putting on heavier armor taking off like this I guess one thing I am going to do really quick is take off [Music] the just to save time at the very beginning of every fight take that off never going to use it there’s no chance I can use a lot of these more than once I can get now why people did not use the Savage claw ability because when do you attack you know I could try it again and use that but I just feel like it’s kind of a waste all right here it goes I can dodge the first attack I can get some good damage going at the beginning unless it’s not the same this time which it looks like it’s already different [Music] that’s just insane damage that’s so much oh my [Music] goodness ah this is the grab thing I promise you a thousand year so what does this do to you exactly comp passion guess I’ll find out here in a minute oh god I think I’m dead here [Music] yeah there’s so many attacks going on I’m just trying to like keep up I can see why the great Shield makes this fight probably way easier but I’m happy with this I mean doing a lot of damage just a matter of just like progressing through the fight in a manner of learning everything and then not getting I guess frustrated you know I can’t even imagine trying the other weapon I’ve been using the entire time the rivers of blooded like when would do we even attack you know what [Music] nice I got be very cautious here there’s no way to die I okay yeah okay you know what I will say I can start seeing some of the patterns for the movement that’s the grab right there okay we’re learning [Music] now if I had all the fragments I mean that would put me at probably a lot more attack power too but I’m not really going to worry about that for right now what I’m going to do is same thing it’s like remembering the pattern it’s like step one two 3 4 [Music] five come on buddy really [Music] how did that hit me no way I okay you know what the grab’s fine it doesn’t do any damage at least as far as I can tell Voyage Guided by compassion and it seems like all my Buffs are still there that do like no damage right there for a second y there’s so many things happening there’s almost like an Aftershock after every single attack you know like every single time there’s like excessive amounts of just things flying everywhere when you’re trying to attack all right so kind of got a rhythm for the first phase if he does the I guess the little dive attack at the beginning everything after that is Anything Goes oh no he didn’t do it that’s the luckiest version of that opening as I can actually get straight to second phase pretty much oh no I think you just have to Sprint for this like when do I do anything ah there’s so much going on I’m just trying to like get I have to like just study the moves for a while might try out some heavier armor but I don’t think for this fight it’s not going to matter as much you know like he hits so hard it’s actually insane I see what waxi attack here like what’s good I got to heal immediately lucky got a little bit of time at the [Music] start that ain’t good [Music] ah come on I promise you a Thousand-Year Voyage Guided by compassion I got to heal immediately right when I think it’s over the attacks keep happening this you know what this reminds me of I went to a tournament for Tekken 5 I mean I’m kind of Aging myself here like in the mid 2000s but I remember one of the people that actually won the tournament I drove to it was kind of funny what they did was they used a 10 hit combo and at the time like nobody had actually like studied everybody thinks like those are like for beginners but they actually pulled it off cuz like nobody ever actually sees them they had like the upper hand kind of was really funny cuz I feel like this boss just fights so aggressively compared to everything else in the game I could probably get extra damage if I like a basic attack right there and then do that I’m not really sure if I have enough time [Music] though okay instantaneous that’s good oh no I’m probably already dead here I you know it’s weird it’s like I hit the charge attack right there but did not see it happening and I’m like wait why is it not working I think I hit it way too early going to be here for a long time probably I mean one pretty good run and I will be fine it’s just a matter of executing like he does the stomp sometimes and other times it do a stomp followed up by several attacks which is you know spiral attack come on do it ah not again maybe running like a certain direction is the way that didn’t work ah come on I promise you a Thousand-Year Voyage Guided by compassion I don’t know what this [Music] does it’s in insane I’m okay again lord of the old order let us go together not sure what that does uh what heart stolen wait what excuse me well that was weird like what let us go together okay so if I get grabbed like that twice that’s game over essentially so I don’t get hit by that so that’s why that’s not doing any damage but it’s still terrifying all right let’s get this over with [Music] hopefully I’m already sprinting towards him so maybe maybe I’m safe ah hey one’s fine I promise you that’s fine a thousand year Voyage Guided by compassion ah I was actually trying to this hill like once I like the move sets like the one thing throwing me off it’s like I think I’ve seen everything and then something new happens I just messed up right there I got to heal probably twice right here just to make sure I’m good I could have just waited I [Music] guess I love that attack but you know what I promise I got a little damage in there a thousand year Voyage guided can’t get grabbed again no that’s the one thing ah come on Lord of the old order let us go together you know for this boss to do that twice R is actually crazy this fight is either like I get to the second phase very quick or because the first attack usually if I can get that really all right good [Music] damage I already knew it I already knew it I was running immediately too yeah it’s like Invincible right there which is strange okay ah I promise you a thousand year Voyage Guided by compassion I’m going to heal quickly [Music] oh that was that was a decent run actually but I just it’s like I try to heal when I’m not supposed to I keep thinking the attacks are about to be over and they just keep going what I may try doing if I have a no damage run to get to the second phase which is going to be like pretty fast if I can actually do that um probably going to pop the actual weapon skill again that or golden valow just to like reset it all right here we go that was a stun too [Music] unfortunate give me and we got the [Music] bleed that guy still got me I don’t even know what’s going on I’ve never seen that before I got really lucky with the actual stagger there too it’s crazy that’s like the one move set I have not seen and I finally saw something different like I said before all right here we [Music] go really [Music] I got to heal up quickly I don’t what is this all right something new [Music] oh you know that was one of those runs where it felt like it might have been happening there I was excited for a minute I don’t know what you do that reminds me the actual earlier fight with him from like the base game where he would disappear and come out and just like almost instantly kill you I feel like not sure like the same thing or not but I’m going to try just like running for it next time not really sure if you can actually get away from it I’ll just make sure I’m like fully healed I guess one Hill should be fine for this oh I’m going to get hit by this I’m just going to going to take it yeah okay so there’s like a lot of attacks that have I wouldn’t say followup attacks but more so there’s two versions it’s like the leg stomped that hits the ground it’s like if I dodge too soon the I guess the Quake effect hits me and there’s other times where he’ll have a followup after that that time I guess he didn’t but I just didn’t dodge the first thing it’s like I’ll reach to my back pocket looking for something all right unfortunate you know what that’s fine that felt kind of Weir from the start anyways so it’s all good this is clearly the longest boss fight I’ve had the entire game up to this point been here for a while gotten close a couple times I feel like a clean run and I can get it done it’s just more about just not being stupid I guess not overextending not trying to go for like the big hit when I don’t have to come on buddy that’s the Perfect Two Hits but he [Music] [Music] it’s crazy all that no stagger well there you go there we go nice so it’s like if it happens before the little cut scene’s about to start that almost killed me which I’m probably dead now no getting around that no G how did that Miss I’m actually fine with this it gives me a chance to heal for a second or I could go for the home run and just try to do like a stagger [Music] but oh I’m probably dead they didn’t kill me oh that was I feel like if I dodge that Dodge the shock wave on the ground then the follow up to the followup to the followup to the other followup I would have been fine so it seems like that little crashing down attack just run in any direction and just keep going so that’s the Strat for that we’re learning we’re getting there my heart was pounding I thought I was going to get it down actually don’t mind like the hug after a little bit because it allows me to kind of like gather myself you know okay here we go that’s like two hits nice it was a stun noise too he know that actually missed which is insane how do I DOD this properly I feel like I was out of range oh well [Music] oh the all right so current time I’ve been here for about close to an hour actually it’s kind of in line with some of the other fights I’ve had that some of them taking me two hours sometimes three get ready [Music] I got lucky right there with the uh the hit still connected even though I took [Music] damage it’s like if you’re not already running it’s a problem [Music] [Music] Ah that’s fine prom kind of like gather my thoughts for a second thousand Voyage all my all my debuff ran out though yeah I don’t know what was going on there it’s like so what I think’s happening in the second phase from what I can tell I mean there’s so much going on right but what it seems like is all the attacks he would normally do they have like extensions of themselves essentially abely love that attack it’s all I want to see every single time come on [Music] [Music] got to already be running from that [Music] I promise you a thousand vo I’m going to heal twice really quick if I can that does so much damage got a few options I can also go get the other fragments to make everything stronger but I feel like this is already strong enough should be able to get it done like sometimes he does it [Music] early that little stun is so sick sounding sometimes I do a little more damage in the beginning so to start running now I’m already going going to take damage here that’s fine oh I got to run I might be dead here last h [Music] oh that would have you know what had that stunned Could Have Been Enough all right pretty good [Music] I already knew it was coming just start sprinting thing I hate about this attack is you don’t have any okay I got blood damage there you thousand I can’t get grabbed again now Guided by compassion all this does is kind of put a Paws and everything else oh my God so much damage nice second f is okay well that was the longest boss fight in the entire game for me um I got this debuff on me still not sure what it does oh there’s a side of Grace right here now hold on I’m just happy we got it done cuz that was a stressful fight granted my build is pretty insane for what it is you know it could have been a lot tougher if I’d actually praise the Elden ring so we’re going over here I guess touch memory Lord Brother I’m going to be a God if we honor our part of The Vow promise me you’ll be my consort I’ll make the world a gentler place I want to see what’s up there we got the ciret of light what does that do you know what I will say is this has been the best expansion I’ve ever seen for any video game and I’m just really shocked that is that all there is to it just like the fight the little cut scene and that’s it can’t get up there I’m guessing well that’s where he started at too he kind of hopped down and then so the fight itself what I’ll say is is pure chaos I think the absolute most broken thing in the game right now as I’m recording this from what everybody’s been telling me is the great shield and the spear apparently you can actually attack while blocking and you can absorb pretty much all of his attacks so okay what I want to do now so there’s no credits or anything I’m assuming that was the end let’s go see what this actually gives us yeah thank you all for watching this series I may do bonus content for it but I may just see how this last video goes total time for this video by the way without any editing right now 2 hours and 5 minutes on the dots is there any armor you get with this there you go what I like about this is I want to compare to the other armor later on it’s obviously a heavy one too oh man I really got to see what’s what 72 Faith required you know what I bet this out of all these I feel like this might be the most broken thing I guarantee you it is I’m definitely going to try to like duplicate this one before I do anything else kept all of these but I’m going like test them out in my spare time but that was that was incredible all right so I give my initial thoughts on the actual expansion and stuff usually I talk over credits but since there are none I guess I’ll just kind of like give my thoughts now and yeah I mean I’m just kind of like taking it all in right now I’m kind of like kick back relax and just chat without moving or anything so um my initial thoughts are right now I like the actual verticality of the area I felt like the entire map size is insane by the way I mean there’s so much going on there is something you’ll see like really far below you don’t how to get to it you eventually find it later on we pretty much discovered everything from the actual area that I wanted to there were a few things I didn’t get here and there but for the most part I felt like I explored a lot I don’t have all the fragments though but I I will go back and get those in my spare time trying to think like the highlights of the actual thing I felt like my first video was my favorite not sure how the ending is going to go because I did spent a lot of time on that boss I haven’t really edited this video yet obviously but um the boss difficulty early on now that second boss fight the fire and ice sword or whatever that that was a tough one to kind of like start out with because I felt like the base game didn’t even have anything they had the tree sit on the beginning but I felt like the first few bosses weren’t overly difficult you know that one kind of threw everything at you um the hippopotamus the golden one that was insane there’s apparently other ones that dropped the fragments I got to go find those but uh yeah for what it was I enjoyed it I mean the fact that they made an expansion for one of the greatest games of all time I felt like back in 2022 when I was playing this game I remember thinking to myself like why have I never played the Souls game to this extent you know so I recently downloaded Dark Souls 3 I’m going to try that one next in my spare time that is videos I don’t know we’ll see but I’m going to download that and then demon souls or demons Souls again maybe Dark Souls 2 I played that one a lot back in the day but never finished it I’ve never finished any of them that’s the craziest part Elder ring might be a little easier than some of the other Soul stuff but I felt like for what it was it made me appreciate what they created more than anything because hey I finally got this done I grinded like crazy when I finished the base game back in 2022 after my series ended I went and I farmed my levels to be able to equip anything in the game without having to go like reattribute everything that was my overall goal I was worried going into the expansion I was overpowered but I quickly learned that the fragments for the blessing help more than absolutely anything I mean nothing even comes close to just going and finding all the different fragments cuz I think there’s 50 that lead you to like 20 CU it scals it costs like three and four maybe even five per each one but yeah this was amazing thank you all for joining me I felt like out of all the games I’ve covered this year this is definitely my favorite which is you know it’s weird cuz it’s an expansion but at the same time I don’t know if an expansion can win game of the year but the fact that we pretty much got an elder ring 2.0 this year is amazing I hope to do like future content for the game but I’m pretty sure this might be it I will definitely be playing the next like Souls like game um yeah I think the final boss is definitely tough even though my build was insane I felt like it could have been better there’s things I could have like put on a little better the armor The Heavy Armor I could have went and got the other fragments to make me stronger but I felt like we were kind of knocking on the door once I saw the damage I was able to put out but uh this is awesome I want to give a special thanks before we go though to all of you um and also all of you that came from Kai’s stream the day shouted me out was insane I remember I tweeted out like you know thank you to him and everything because give him my you know it’s usually the type of things he was saying about me is something you hear about when somebody’s like gone you know and it’s just kind of nice to see that he’s earned everything he has because he deserves it and I I respect him for that I know he said I was his hero and all that but I feel like you know he he’s got his own thing going on I mean he’s he’s like at the top but special thanks to him all of you that joined me from his shout out yeah I just feel like the community for this game and just all of you have been tremendous the support I had on each video um when I put up part one I was thinking to myself like okay this is going to be my favorite thing I covered this year I didn’t know I was going to go all the way this quickly I was hoping the game will be a little bit longer now there’s other boss fights I can go check out but I think for what it is I’m just really happy I was able to get it done and not have the series drawn out for like a month or two because when I played the base game I remember back then I was kind of like unsure of everything I didn’t know like what was going on I was like learning the game itself and then it’s like as you get to the end you’ve gotten all this armor all these different weapons sorceries incantations your flasks are better your armor is better you’re trying out different builds you’ve kind of got like what is better for certain situations you’ve kind of get stuck with a certain build I feel like every streamer I’ve seen play this game they’ll use the same weapon like the entire time that’s kind of what I was following too with the rivers of blood but I I tried like just so many different weapons in my spare time when I wasn’t recording and this is the one that I was like okay it still kind of scals with all the stuff I already used like Arcane and all that so I’ll just kind of try it out and it just does so much if they Nerf it so be it I got the game done so might do a new game plus down the road only for a few items that I missed but I’m kind of scared if they announce hey we’re going to add more to the game later on you know I don’t know if they will I hope they don’t because I feel like this wasn’t even necessary but it is very welcome because this is the best expansion I’ve ever played and I’m grateful to have all of you as an audience uh yeah this is it it’s all I got to say thank you all for watching and I’ll catch you not sure what’s next this is kind of like my major I guess summer game if you would because I thought okay most of June and July is going to be me playing this I got this done pretty early in July now so it’s just like now what you know might do bonus content for the game if You’ like anything else other builds I can try all the different things and remembrances I might try to like dupe a few of those anyways love you all best Li nightes ever I’ll talk to in the next I guess either Elder ring content or just something else but thank you all for everything take it easy

    Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Walkthrough Gameplay Part 15 includes a Full Game Review, Full Gameplay and the Full DLC Expansion of Shadow of the Erdtree on PlayStation 5 (PS5), Xbox Series X and PC. Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree 2024 Walkthrough Part 1 will include a Review, PS5 Gameplay, Character Creation, New Bosses, New Spells, New Weapons, New Armor, Scadutree Fragments, Revered Spirit Ashes, Builds, Lore, Reaction, Cinematics, Cut Scenes, OST, Story Missions and the Ending of the DLC Expansion. Thanks Bandai Namco for giving me the Full Game of Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree!

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    Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is the first expansion for Elden Ring, an action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco. Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree released on June 21, 2024 for PlayStation 5 (PS5), PlayStation 4 (PS4), Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC. Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree takes players beyond the Lands Between to explore the Land of Shadow, a completely new world from Elden Ring.

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