Did you ever die in the water, wait let me answer that, no, no one has. But you can! If you aggro the skull heads in the flooded section of matrix 11 and stay on top of the surface of the water and die from ranged attacks, Eve will sink a little then dead man float to the surface.

    I found this interesting because it's almost like they were gonna go for a gruesome death style like tomb raider or deadspace but decided against it. Which honestly im glad they did. We still see traces of it like the buzz saw slide and levoire. Which caught me off guard quite a bit.

    My main deal with it is Eve just kinda yells and stumbles around 90% of the time you die. She doesn't even fall on the ground unless you have a WB pump. My assumption is they made a decision to remove these animations and just replaced them with a generic one.

    Posted by Zapzapbuffallo

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