So I’ve collected these over the years across two of my accounts, I haven’t bought anything since Elden Ring I think?
    Is this enough games to last me my life?

    What games do you recommend I play? I have only played a handful of these games actually and I have been wanting to branch out and try other things. How long do you think it’ll take to finish about 50% of them?
    For reference I normally play Dark Souls 1-3, Borderlands, Xenoverse 2, Injustice 2, Witcher 3, Yugioh.

    I want to take the time to thank everyone who helped me come up with what to play I appreciate it. I’m usually very scared of trying new things but lately I felt I need a change.

    Posted by Potatoe_Soup7

    1 Comment

    1. Potatoe_Soup7 on

      Hey sorry about that, I couldn’t get it to let me post it with all the pictures together.

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