0.15% Players Found This Weapon In Elden Ring DLC

    two hours of exploring I did across all of this map yeah I’m pretty lost I’m not going to lie I had an initial plan I talked about my last video and that plan was an order of pimos of how I wanted to cover certain things that interested me now the problem with that was I could not for the life of me figure how to get over here I thought this was damn near impossible I actually got to this portion and this portion these were the goals right but organically I see this damn bridge and I’m just like let me cross it to get to here is what we did in the last video I’m kind of stuck to this quadrant over here and I’m underground this doesn’t exist I don’t care what you tell me it just doesn’t so yeah this confused me but I didn’t give up though I’m a valiant so what I tried to do is I went over here and tried to get to to this side and I couldn’t do that either so I’m like what the so I I didn’t give up Valiant so then I Tred to go over here this is impossible too I could kill myself from this side it wouldn’t do anything but yeah that that didn’t happen so what I decided to do was try to complete the quest I kind of started in the last thing with this priest thing over here but you see the funny part about that Quest is I don’t know what the [ __ ] to do with that either I was three-way deadlock stuck it was it was too late 2 hours 2 hours of just walking around now some good did come up walking around let me tell you hold on not too much not too much where is it where look look bro remember that thing I was talking about before the wing stance yeah this is kind of nice in PvP I don’t think I like it too much in PVE maybe it’ll be cool for for a cinematic clip like this part right here is giving melenia but that’s that’s all I care about that y yep I yep ah see that sh though hold on wait wait H wait hold one more H yeah all right but I am lost that is a thing um what I did to kind of alleviate that uh lostness I had a friend kind of give me a little nudge in the right direction with how to complete this Quest now I told him to tell me everything what to do five times I’mma take it from there the first thing he told me to do was I need a a uh I need [ __ ] bro I got to go ask him again hold on I need to get to the finger ruins and to get there I need to go a specific path that’s a little convoluted and just guessing this is the finger ruins I would only guess I see a finger there but what am I supposed to think now he gave me a pathing by showing my screen on Discord and yeah like dude I’m not going to lie some of these quests I would not I I think it’s impossible to do it on your own I think this is the first one this is Quest number one you would need some type of Miracle to figure some of this stuff out on on your own but I don’t know maybe I’m just stupid either or let me know down below what you think but I I genuinely think these are built to be impossible sometimes I do think that is the the charm right someone told me that and I agree the charm of how this game is where things aren’t easy and sometimes it’s time gated right but like damn okay like throw a a bone bro maybe going along this Edge I can find something that can help me maybe you got something helpful what does it say try jumping that’s a lie normally I would never listen to that but this has to be some unorthodox I think you actually have to do that I think you have to Jump N that was I knew better bro oh there’s a hand thing oh this is where I got to go cuz this is the hand Quest right there’s fingers I think I got it I think I got it bro this is this is such a convoluted like way to get here I I I could have maybe figured it out if I had more time I mean even in 2 hours I’m kind of disappointed I think I should have figured this out how do I trigger it so I can kill it bro oh there it is all right come here come here let’s go go time go time yep yep yep I’m I’m mad strong bro I’m not going to lie I’m [ __ ] crack and this continues the path ah and then we got a Grace and we made it to the finger land now that I got here I I don’t quite know what I need to do but that’s that’s the fun in it I guess I’ll figure that part out my gut tells me that I want to go to the center of that are we going to fight a boss this is also looking very wide like a boss could have maybe not no there’s a bunch of little enemies here can I dodge that oh what the [ __ ] is happening he’s going to eat my ass oh my gosh oh my gosh oh oh oh but you didn’t have to you really didn’t oh you did it again try Edge fingers all right kind of nasty uh no hole ahead I see that um no try North then seek Church got it anything I can do with this that’s freaking weird I’m going to assume context clues that after I get that I can now thing another bad dream muri that drot thing out of your mind that Tangled mess can’t hurt you what’s he on about bro he talking to no what’s he talking to oh my gosh he has one there you are the exalted tomber of the Bell has reached these ears of mine uhhuh gracious the star sky is wondrous tonight indeed only your fate shines brighter now these are for you oh I don’t want that okay second row map oh he gave me that oh my gosh think nothing of it okay I have made my decision to be of help awesome May the gleaming Stars guide you ever more okay ask about the nature of the world I fear that you have borne witness to the whole of it the conceits the Ry of the world built upon the Earth tree the folies of men their bitter suffering is there no hope for Redemption the answer sadly is clear never was any hope they were each of them defective unhinged from the start America herself and the fingers that guided her and this is what troubles me no matter our efforts if the roots are rotten and we have little recourse what’s interesting about this world I can’t tell if he’s crazy or normal that’s that’s it bro like is the hand like a puppy do I got to accept that as just his pet like is this cool that he’s holding it like that I’m officially convinced that this Quest is impossible to do on your own this next part I need to get a gesture and I have to use it to progress the storyline how would I have known that how would I have known that you gave me a [ __ ] map dude like what is that what what what there’s no way there’s no way to get this gesture you got to go in the back oh what’s this nothing you have to go in the back of uh this por I can’t show you back of the portion of Bonnie Village I think it’s called and there’s a statue and the statue should have it this right here boom I think yeah this is it this is it oh mother so now with that gesture I come where I fought uh gas at and I go here and I do the thing at this statue now even though I know I’ll never figure this out on my own this is actually kind of cool like like this is cool let me know in the chat be honest were you able to figure this out on your own and if you were tell me how bro if you’re going to lie make it sound good if that’s what you want to do bro but but make it sound believable oh mother please I don’t know what happens after I do this do oh there it is it’s very simple and with this I think I access the whole right side that I couldn’t before there was no way there’s no way I would have figured that out no way at all bro at impossible sometimes it just makes you think what was it all for you know you did all these choices in life you became who you needed to be is that the [ __ ] tree oh my gosh yo yo how you been gang it’s been a minute wow you look good are you oh he’s going to hurt me this is okay I bro he’s the same old tree SEL bro it’s kind of embarrassing gang wait wait I broke his thing I broke the horse’s thing oh bro this is embarrassing you got no no no new move set hold on hold on brother I I trained you didn’t okay yo it’s so crazy once upon a time you [ __ ] me up bad bro like it it was embarrassing what you did to me now now this is just kind of like I I can train you I I might be the Sentinel I actually might be the Sentinel what you want to do what you want to do what no no that’s embarrassing wow wow oh my gosh bro please bro okay a just like the other one that’s a bell please don’t do it don’t thank you thank you run run no no no no stop [ __ ] me okay no bro please just leave me alone leave no oh oh oh oh my gosh no he still me this is another Bell like before I got to blow it oh it’s called Bell but I’m blowing it like a horn Talisman number two plus two I got another amulet his hand’s gone okay that’s good hello there you’re normal now I heard another sound colored by your essence yes simply exhilarating I must say the stars are dark tonight but rest assured this is no ill Omen on the contrary I believe that this portends a magnificent Starry Cascade sure take this my final gift to you final may you join the glimmering stars above okay oh joy thank you another map I love it oh yes I believe I can feel it Brewing what Brewing this evening is a sign of a greater night to come okay it’s one like the other Maps apparent this one is not a map I go to but there’s somebody here in this room that I can talk to yeah well there it is you look cool ah who have we here count Emir seem very pleased kind of cool that I express my gratitude I am yolan loyal to count Emir the Knight is yours now to wield good night like night time Emir is a shining star are in our eyes the only star upon the black canvas of the night our meeting with the count Tau us of the star draped Sky we know that we cannot reach out to touch it but we can peer up at its Brilliance and heed its guidance we will never again lose our way in the night I’m glad you feel that way I have spoken far too freely spok a lot we no mind let us focus on our shared purpose our service to count Emir that’s it now be on your way I guess it’s time for me to shut the [ __ ] up from here I now was then told to leave and then come back from here I was told that the rest of the steps kind of explain themselves just kind of Follow The Path oh all right follow the path I will just gauging from the scenery and everything that has happened up until this point this is leading me to a boss oh yeah oh yeah that’s what this is Jig Is up I know how this goes invate oh oh oh oh oh oh oh girl oh girl whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa gangster gangster what is this yo I’m oh your sh kind of cool oh my gosh I hope I get your [ __ ] oh oh you’re you’re you’re kind of ass oh oh I I’m so sorry I I I was lying I was lying I was lying I was lying I was lying I was lying all right all right let’s finish this yeah but yeah you are kind of ass that’s what I meant to say can I have all of your stuff Clause of the night okay I guess I did all this for some claws of the [ __ ] night nah no no there’s more there’s more there’s got to be it’s just one thing at a time oh yeah there it is oh where am I uh that’s a finger that [ __ ] looks disgusting you know what that looks like this this looks like like a like a homun version of them dumb things on Spy Kids bro I don’t know if you ever watched that all right that’s how we starting let’s see let’s see what this hitting for oh you nasty it’s it’s always these big with the hit boxes bro I I just die huh okay okay I I’m seeing polar express taught me seeing as believing and I don’t believe in this so uh I just want one hit to see what happens but I I I I guess I don’t deserve it oh yeah this is light no maybe maybe not Maybe not maybe not Maybe not maybe not Maybe not maybe not Maybe not maybe not I’m going to assume that this is going off the same logic as the tree and I can’t bleed it so I quickly switched my dual blades to Keen again I I just should have saw that coming but it’s fine all right ahuh ah okay good Dodge I need to not get hit at all I do enough damage for I can kill this thing for sure K ke Keen is a w roll into it okay Kean is a w Keen is a winner all right jump attack no not enough for dodging uh-huh all right heal good time to heal uh okay very easy Telegraph aable tells he’s about to do something crazy it’s going to forward okay okay okay okay oh my gosh that was weird roll into it I I pressed it but I held it cuz I was I don’t know my brain told me to Sprint why why did you show oh okay okay jokes later he just summon hands that’s annoying that’s the most annoying part about this boss so far ATT might not make it uh two times okay no three uh okay I can I can eat that pretty well okay got to dodge forward I did it I did what you told me to oh I beg I dodged I dodged but all right all right I know it’s fun saying the n word isn’t it that didn’t do anything I just wasted everything wow wow wow oh what wow much W attack ah I kind of want to bleed this B I kind of want to bleed this [ __ ] I kind of want to bleed this [ __ ] I think I want to bleed it but I also am a little sleepy I started recording at like 11:00 p.m. it’s 4: I hate when this happen I took a nap I think when I’m sleep deprived I’ve learned that’s where the crash shs are prone I I’ve done a good job adjusting to that okay up top I actually went back and switched my katanas to bleed just to check if I can bleed this thing I think I can I for sure can’t get touched by it this was an enemy that made me used all the extra uh what you fragments I had left so I there’s no more fragments I could use for this um even still I feel like I’m this thing beats my ass so I just got to get good or shut the [ __ ] up now this ceiling thing is disgusting I just noticed that right now but now that I slept let’s see if there’s a Zen Kai boost to be had here that’s uh okay that’s one all right I’m just kind of learning it right now okay uh what would I even do there I don’t think the game knows to be honest all right that’s what I got to roll into right uh roll forward okay I did it too early my fault my fault hey first game of the Sleep damn damn okay okay okay I’m just going to try to attack and see what it gets me I don’t know when I don’t know when bro I don’t I don’t know when I don’t know when nothing feels safe nothing seems safe uh okay this this is good this is good and he gets bled he gets bled all right bet all right bet with that information with that information I feel confident with this build at the very least now if I can just get these timings down for the Dodges which seems so Telegraph we’re going to be in a good place we’re going to be in a good place H like but but the theing movements of this bro bro if I can just get someing hits in I can kill it fast bro I I can kill it so fast guaranteed guaranteed I can kill this thing fast all right come on roll into that to the right he spawn some hands okay bro it just he just say so much damage dude okay okay wait J tag and run away I got to I got to hit and run bro hit and run until I find some success here ah it it’s it’s that it’s not bad because his long attacks don’t seem to do that much damage I can tank it but as he attacks when I’m up close that are like really beating my ass okay this is great I’m running out of the range get a free jump attack phase two phase two phase two run away run away run away I don’t know how to feel about that I’m going be honest like what what what now what now okay oh my gosh what why is your big ass moving like that I I shouldn’t have did that bro I just got so thirsty I saw Health load more than i’ never seen it before I’m too strong though like this [ __ ] dies but it’s a two-way streak that’s all it is it’s a two-way streak oh my gosh one sip okay over here jump attack jump attack one more oh bro please I thought I so close to the posture damage I guess I’ll die for it though okay on two no three oh my gosh I think he’s dead yep yep if I’m just going to factor all the damage he’s about to take in a second here he’s dead he’s dead I can get two jump attacks for free two jump attacks for free third just because roll imposter okay okay bro and just imagine what’s about to happen right now it’s it’s going to get crucial it’s going to get crucial it’s going no Okay Okay click a knif oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow it was the opening thread that was the opening thread that’s me flicking it what’s that let’s go we’re done we’re almost done bro how much more who wants to me next oh Fu you all I’m will [ __ ] you all now my friend told me specifically before I I leave and forget this Quest I have to leave and come back one more time he said just kind of going the path I did to fight the thing should trigger the ending of this Quest and the door is closed so I guess I can’t go back there anymore what have you done you’ve wounded count emia most irreparably I’m sorry such that he wishes for your death but he’s dead pretend to oh I’m I’m I’m sorry but look that was a finger and he had to go oh wait wait if I’m fighting her again oh I think I’m going to get her cuz I I got some oh she has that stance too wait wait wait wait the wing stance can go on that thing as well is that the wing stance that’s that’s that’s not the wing stance that is a little different that is a little different hold on now stop okay okay wait wait wait chill chill chill chill chill chill you need to chill now before I sh sh you the [ __ ] up I’m not playing with you I’m not I’m not playing with you guess who got Okay jump attack oh my gosh why would I miss that that that attack is actually kind of weak bro or or or maybe it’s just me I could just be beefed up get to guys you sorry Dragon beat that good night oh my gosh oh my gosh H uh uh all right you know what I happened to this in a while rengan my star I’m sorry fine mother you will be my shining star grant me a mother’s strength look here at my fingers I will be the true mother and I will be the only mother oh oh wait wait whoo whoa whoa whoa whoa wo wo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the [ __ ] is happening um okay this a boss so I got to I got to treat it respectfully bro now now mother you want to be a mother you I mean hey it’s 2024 I get it but like I I think I I understood what the plot was going and then I just didn’t all right um You you might have a health bar but I’m going to hope you’re free too I can only hope bro hey I’m about to chunk the [ __ ] out you so whatever you got going do it now bro let’s go come on come on nope you don’t get the chance okay huh you’re why did he moan for that all right all right all right hold on hold on hold on kill your kids just you again sorry just you again sorry where you going bud it’s over it’s over you’re done you’re done oh these are the Spells I think he sells he sells me bro are you going to still sell me spells if I kill you I to eat your mother ah oh oh oh oh oh oh none of those are the cool items the f is that about I left and came back again hoping I can get some oh hold on now count email the Stars the sky I see them not I’m going to guess these are two different items but what I want the most is this one and not this one correct what happened no light anywhere at all this is the night I [Music] know our night I’m sorry okay better be worth it I want her weapon or her armor either one of those I’m happy I’m [ __ ] happy let’s go let’s go let’s go yeah yes I will never have done this on my own there’s just no way there’s it’s impossible wa can I use it question mark if I can use it I’m truly happy hold on Moment of Truth chat Moment of Truth uh oh oh this [ __ ] is steaming oh this [ __ ] is steaming oh oh oh you

    This weapon is IMPOSSIBLE to find in Elden Ring DLC without a guide. If anyone tells you they found it on their on is lying

    Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Playlist:

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