I never minded when the Xbox dashboard showed ads for games. Makes sense. But this is annoying.

    Posted by Tuckboifresh


    1. GiveMeAName42069 on

      Welcome to the digital world we live in. Ads are literally everywhere. I do agree they are a tad bit annoying, but what are you really looking at more? The ads? Or the game you’re playing?

    2. whyspezdumb on

      Go to your Microsoft Account


      Personalized Ad Settings

      See ads that interest you > OFF

      May not be the end-all solution, but it seems to work for me. No third-party ads at least. Mostly Fortnite or “try this GP game!” type banners.

      Also, I’m in CA, USA, which may be a factor, I don’t know.

    3. littleman960 on

      As a note unless you want people to know ur name and email address I’d edit the image as both are show top left

    4. ThirstyNewt on

      My home server blocks ads on m Xbox. So I just see a empty cube where an ad should be. No ads for me on Xbox.😁

    5. If you configure your Xbox to use adguard dns ( and, you’ll stop seeing ads like this.

    6. Darklumiere on

      Block “arc.msn.com” through a DNS based Ad filter such as Adguard or PiHole. You’ll still recieve first party game ads, but nothing not related to Xbox. Been doing it for years.

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