I picked up the game on sale a couple months back and I've been hooked ever since! Words cannot express how much I love Arthur Morgan. His character is so polished and well thought out that sometimes it feels like I'm in a movie playing as a lead. Today I found myself randomly wondering about giving him a haircut. RDR2 has totally consumed my life and I'm not complaining a bit. I'm taking my time with the story and enjoying everything. I'm constantly amazed by the game mechanics and how realistic things can look in the game sometimes. It's almost like a playable Quintin Tarantino movie. Anyway, sorry for the rant. Just wanted to share and thank you guys for picking this game for me.

    Posted by Kidd__Video


    1. TonyCartmanSoprano on

      the story was really good but the combat and everything got boring quickly. being able to shave your face doesnt really make the game any better

    2. Ornery_Razzmatazz_33 on

      It took me 4 or 5 times through the first chapter and the first few missions in chapter II before it clicked for me.

      It is now my favorite game of all time, didn’t think there would ever be a game to knock Castlevania SOTN off that perch.

      I’ve played it on all 3 platforms – it in 4K on a PC that is powerful enough to do 60FPS or more is just jaw dropping.

      I’d kill for them to put out a 60FPS patch for the PS5.

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