NES – July 2024 Game Update – Nintendo Switch Online

    Posted by Turbostrider27


    1. Damn okay, guess they’re just blowing what I assume is the last load of NES before focusing on the final backlogs of NES, then SNES and maybe 64 already. I can’t believe we still don’t have Smash 64.

    2. Cobra triangle is awesome! Totally forgot about solar jetman, pretty solid as well.

    3. JoseJulioJim on

      Man, 7 games, it almost feels like an apology for adding Urban Champions and DK Jr. Math

      Jokes aside, is neat we get 2 more rare games, now I am almost sure Conker is not a question of if, but when will Conker arrive.

    4. notthegoatseguy on

      Someone at Nintendo must love Urban Champion. It’s gotten released on the e-Reader, Wii VC, Wii U VS, a 3D re-release on the 3DS, and on Arcade Archives.

      Did the Japan NES app get an update?

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