If you could choose a Nintendo villain or anti-hero to have its own game, who would you like and what would you imagine the game itself to be like?

    Posted by ComprehensiveDate591


    1. ZebaZtianRamireZ on

      Bowser (with Bowser Jr as an optional character).

      Don’t share it with Mario, Luigi, etc. They can (and probably would) appear but dont make them playable or the focus. I think that fighting them as bosses would be interesting.

    2. I’ve actually got 3 ideas:

      A Metroid Dread DLC where you get to play as Raven Beak in the story Quiet Robe told Samus.

      A prequel game to Majora’s Mask that shows us the origins of Majora’s Mask and the tribe who created it.

      A solo Bowser game where a new villain takes over the Mushroom Kingdom and kidnaps Mario and co, leaving Bowser, Bowser Jr, and the Koopa army to come and stop the villain and take over the Mushroom Kingdom themselves.

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