‘The First Descendant made me realise I’ve had enough of live service shooters’ [Opinion]

    Posted by excaliburps


    1. Peidalhasso on

      Most GaaS suck.
      There needs to be a trend to go back to linear single player games.

    2. I deleted it while it was downloading, after I watched a video and a half on it. Looks really generic, with boring missions, bad AI, and over monetization. I’d probably have bought it but I’m done with F2P games, personally, even though I almost convinced myself to try just one more.

    3. shadowglint on

      It’s like an article who’s only purpose is to be shared by the reddit hive mind

    4. Yes, if you don’t feel like playing a live service looter shooter you won’t like this game. Revelatory.

    5. Wow, well, that took awhile the rest of humanity with an above room temperature IQ was there 20 years ago.

    6. I gave it a shot. The game controls very well and looks great. My issues are poor performance, combat is laughably easy, missions are dull, and over-all its too convoluted.

      But yeah, it also reminded me why I fell off Division and Destiny, I just don’t want to dedicate all my gaming time to a single grind.

    7. SeesawOtherwise8767 on

      The game looks bad. Why did anyone expect anything different? They’re skinner boxes coming out of China.

    8. PraisingSolaire on

      Can tell who is going off just the headline.

      It’s a look at how these experiences have hit breaking point, in ideas / progression and engagement / business model. Not to mention, it’s yet another title chasing after an already fully occupied playerbase.

      >“How are you, as a new live service shooter, supposed to drag away players that already have their favourite live game, their second favourite live game, and probably a third?”

      It’s getting to the point that all these live shooters are getting almost cookie cutter. Same shooting mechanics, same mission design, same crafting, same rarity gear, same fucking time sink that feels more like a part-time job than something you actually enjoy and can take / leave at your own pace.

    9. ChafterMies on

      Before all games had upgrades, weapon slots, and XP to grind, we played games because they were fun.

    10. Ok. You were never forced to play it. You tried it and don’t like it. Move on.

    11. Prowrestled on

      I played for a good 2 hours. I genuinely gave it a shot, and it just so convoluted and bloated for no reason. I blame Destiny. Or Final Fantasy. Or WoW. Or whatever game it was that started this mess.

    12. I’ve had enough of live service games in general.
      There are too many of them and I can barely devote my time to a single one.

      Growing up I always thought it would be awesome to just keep playing the same game for years and years. When we got that, it was a friggin monkey paw of garbage.

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