The First Descendant’s Microtransaction System Prompts Mixed Response From Players

    Posted by Turbostrider27


    1. Blanketshaper on

      Gameplay looks very boring. A type of game I’d download and play for an hour or two. I’d then realize that the game is poo and delete

    2. _Heisenberg87 on

      Put about 6 hours into so far;


      Poor optimisation (sure it will get better).

      UI is a bit al over the place.

      Audio could be better.


      Moment to moment gameplay is fun. It’s a mix of Destiny 2 and Division 2.

      Abilities are fun to use and tons of loot drops which isn’t worthless.

      Looks like a lot of content already.

      Lots of grinding. This is a looter shooter after all, would be shit to get the drops you want quickly.

      Things I don’t really care about are the story, who plays a looter shooter for the story?

      The micro transactions cost as I don’t buy them nor will I ever.

      Overall, if you are the type of gamer that gets bored around the 20 hour mark of a game I wouldn’t bother with this.

      If you are an addict of Division, Destiny, Warframe etc… this is another high.

    3. laker-prime on

      Microtransactions aside, it feels very generic. Has some potential, but the enemy AI and the encounters just feel…dumb and boring. Something Destiny 2 doesn’t get enough credit for is the enemy AI and their responsiveness…going in and out of cover, rushing you at times, tossing grenades or other projectiles, flanking, etc and how different each enemy faction plays. Not to mention some of the awesome encounters from the campaign, dungeons, raids and exotic secrets missions.

      I just don’t see any of that in the First Descendant. The enemies feel soulless and the encounters lack any substance.

    4. i guess from my perspective of not playing warframe or destiny for one reason or another im fucking loving this game its scratching an itch of a looter shooter.

    5. Already lost me at battle pass and the microtransaction system, I am sick of this trash.

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