Star Wars Outlaws has gone gold!

    Posted by Turbostrider27


    1. Looking forward to this. Avatar was a great game. These devs must have really wanted their summer holidays. They deserve it.

    2. Gold doesn’t mean anything since Cyberpunk did it, don’t get how this is news every time.

    3. 1440pSupportPS5 on

      Im excited. I like ubisoft drivel. They are one of the few companies to pump out games at a consistent rate, and most single player games they make are perfectly fine.

    4. I’ll see you on sale come Christmas and if this was any good or not. I have zero trust in ubisoft. 

    5. Great, looking forward to whatever 75gb day one patch it’ll need to make it even remotely playable.

    6. Going Gold (gold master) means the publisher/producer is ready to start ripping game disks.

      I bought SWO in May! 😁

    7. Taking bets on how broken and buggy this will be on launch day!

      And of course, the obligatory developer apology tweet promising upcoming fixes in their roadmap.

      State of the industry nowadays where you can’t even get excited for a release date cause you know it will come in hot and broken.

    8. Zestyclose-Fee6719 on

      I am so utterly sick of Star Wars as a brand, this would have to amass BG3 or Elden Ring levels of hype to convince me to buy it.

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