all right so first off welcome back to moreen ring this is not one of those videos where I feel like it would not be possible without your help so I really appreciate all of the support the likes the views the comments the comments have been helping out a lot because I’m writing stuff down as I go and I’m just kind of like revisiting areas I’ve already been to so anyways love you all let’s go ahead and get this feel like this is about to be a very long night anyways hey look at this guy I like that armor set all right so here’s what I’ve got right now I’m going use this weapon against bail I got to remember to summon the guy that helps me the one that has the incredible voice lines okay kept these two on this right here I got in the last video I’m going to try it out and then this right here maybe will help with a little bit this is going to be a rough fight already you know what apparently this and the final boss are the two hardest boss fights in the entire game what I did change is the ash of War so this weapon I think I had yeah the lies claw I had that one on there’s apparently a better version which is what I got right now Savage is like a two hit combo versus the other one just a one hit other people also use this one they kind of like proc it before the fight actually happens normally because it does like extra chance to stagger and increase attack power it’s just a thing where you just hit the ground it’s like a gravitational pull the thing I’m going to use is this though a Savage one it’s like two hits in one so I’m going to try that and see how it goes probably going to get maxed out a couple times I got to remember to summon the guy though that’s the only thing I got to remember and I changed my I changed this to give me damage negation and then the other one makes stance break easier hopefully that is enough to get it done we’ll find out I ran here just cuz I was curious of the move set so I studied a little bit I didn’t really do much though um all right here we go I have a few other spots I want to check out as well but probably going to be here for a while we’ll see how this goes first he always attacks right off the Jump now had a [Music] feeling oh already not good I can’t even hit this fool hold on where’s the summon thing at not that we got to find it first it’s like near the entrance I think somebody’s need to cover it oh God this this might be it okay I thought it was like a you can’t even hit hereby fou you will through this dayold a true great warrior and die Eon finally got some damage like fire damage might be hey you know what I was trying to see how much damage I could actually you going be a long night I can already feel it so the thing in the very wait there was some damage right there was that the actual NPC helping me that was a pretty good chunk of damage right there let me also make sure I am popping these that’s the wrong one Brad good job I need to actually put the weapon in two hand mode so I’m over here just trying to get the person brought in I hereby power you will prove this day behold the pro great warrior I’m right in the Fire come on Brad gone your fears made I feel like I got to figure out cuz the head part is just not optimal to be able to like go after that okay t attack attack again all right I’m struggling maybe I need to change weapons I don’t know thought this might be a little better you might be but I will riddle with your maybe fire negation might help with every last drop of my being oh was distract hold on my [Music] chance oh nice damage let’s go what’s happening oh my God hold on oh my my goodness where you going buddy it’s coming back that was crazy what’s happening again this is probably the coolest boss fight in the entire [Music] expansion I’m so low on health [Music] it’s just like getting an actual hit is so [Music] tough oh come on okay he’s still alive which is good let’s go Baby Woo that didn’t take as long as I thought it would and he’s still alive too nice bail The Dread you shall haunt me no longer that’s it I don’t know why I expected like more dialogue or something okay well that actually it’s kind of funny to remind me like the Mesmer fight where I had my entire video kind of planned around it and then it’s is over man this uh The Savage claw thing by the way if you want to try it out I got it from it was like over in here somewhere it’s just like in a random spot in the ground actually it might have been along this wall it’s one of these two walls it’s all it is so okay we got that done what else let’s just say same old stuff and that was fun that was a cool boss fight I ha didn’t get to see like more of it but uh I’m just going to keep those two things on for now what we could probably do now is go back and talk to the yeah the person over here cuz I think that Quest was like actually attached to that what we got here Priestess heart interesting flower Stone it’s a pierce Hammer okay reusable this is reusable what does this say turns human frame into ancient dragon what it’s reusable that’s pretty cool what does this actually do I’m assuming hold let’s check this out really quick only have one of these so it’s like I don’t you know people been telling me to spend all like the remembrances I have I will but I’m kind of just doing it at my own time okay I’ve already bought that soan both of these are incantations I’m assuming this one’s better because it costs more actually it costs more Arcane to use but this one costs more FP to use so both use two slots as well man I would hate to pick the wrong one I’m going to wait and see what everybody else does hate to be like that but I don’t want to waste you know okay well we got that done is there anything else it might have been the end of I’m guessing I at the entire end of that quest line cuz the person’s gone but the item was there okay next thing I want to check out so that was that’s crazy it’s like the second time that’s happened where I was like I didn’t know no who was this right here I wonder can I go back over here and talk to that person again let me see cuz technically it was like their Spirit was the one helping us not the actual person let’s go see if we can actually get over there again yeah it’s like right over here that’s what the icon is I’m not sure if the person’s still there or not should be right in front of us there’s an item here now which is where the person would be hold on let’s see before we pick it up my guess is it’s another one of those things to get both items never mind the armor set and the bell bearing okay we got the great bow the helm armor gauntlets well bearing and the icon’s gone now man I guess it’s like that’s that’s done let me go back here one more time now that that’s done and just see if anything else pops up well that was a weird turn of events I uh like I had like a whole episode kind of planned out about that battle but only to took like a couple tries too okay so what I could do now is the next thing I wanted to check out was back here so we kind of ran through there’s an area back here I haven’t got a chance to see yet and somebody told me you can actually get to it from this side of Grace so we’ll try this right now man that was insane the fact that I got it done that fast I was not expecting I’m actually just going to take I’ll keep actually let’s just take those off put the ones I’ve been using back on I don’t even know if I actually need that boost dexterity one because my Dex is already pretty high um well it’s also successive attacks okay we’ll just keep it there that’s fine sobody say like up here on the left pretty sure we can find it one thing I might do is go spin my runes because I have like almost 500k on me there’s okay I want to check this out however long this takes and then let me actually go to this cross again the shadow keep has like another section apparently you can get higher up in the storehouse area so I’m going to check that out as well I just see there like any NPCs over here sometimes they’re not on the map yeah cuz was like the person right here okay yeah this that back there okay that’s what I’m trying to get to and I believe let me just mark this and see if it goes down well it’s close I think that is the right spot let’s see if we can get over there somebody said you go through here and hook left see if we can find it I have two other builds I want to try I might do like bonus content after I finish the main story for the expansion and just kind of like I want to get all the fragments still too cuz if you look right now I’m only at 13 and8 and I could be at 20 and 10 which would actually boost everything even higher I’m assuming this is the right way this looks correct hold on okay but hold on I like how the horse attacks sometimes you’re just not you just whiff everything I want to say thank you all for joining me on this series this has been my favorite thing to cover this year I’ve had a lot of fun just not only like making the content but just like video Creation in itself planning out each video smithing Stone 3 okay might not actually need the horse for this I literally thought about this video all day to day I was with like my daughter in the car and I was like how am I going to cuz I didn’t want to do the end of the game yet you know I want to do like at least this video and then the ending maybe next time if I can unless I find something else else is a pretty large area hold on going to keep swinging actually let’s just get out of here we go left hey there’s a side of Grace right here wait a minute oh this is nice this is a large area what in the world all right so we got oh so we’re like on the other side of everything okay I don’t know why I thought this would be like higher up than all of this but it’s kind of all like together really hold on we’ll check out everything over here first we got something back here which looks this might be one of the oh this is the enemy that drops the weapon I was using I just I got the same one a turkey leg this was somebody else called it and I just kind of ran with it I can’t take credit for that and that’s the area down there okay apparently is this right above the starting area no it’d be down here wouldn’t it be oh wait AE Spirit Dash okay I didn’t realize the uh colossal weapons did so much damage apparently there’s a lot of them that do that this is like the only one I’ve really found that I or I guess this one right here this is the only one I I really like because it kind of fits the bleed play style can I even get like a thing here oh nice pretty good [Music] damage smithing stone for bleed is going up like crazy what great Arrow okay what an amazing game oh this keeps going down wait a minute there’s like a little path this might be how you get cuz there’s an area above the plane site wait is what’s it called grap site plane never mind is that a gold bear Oh I thought it was a bear for some reason a lot of lightning what what is happening that’s the same lightning sounds from we go the dragon area it’s like the exact same hey there’s like a little house right here hold on what we got oh this looks like a painting wait a minute artist Shack incursion painting do they even do anything examine I guess this look like some lore maybe really not sure that’s what it seems like I think one of the best parts about the main game when it first came out was the level of unknown that everybody had whereas with this how do I get down there C it looks like it loops around maybe hold on we’re getting ahead of ourselves maybe this path takes us down see yep but like that level of just like like the first time going underground and that long elevator going down you know what I mean like why are we over here again oh wait what is can I go down further oh my god let’s not test that out right now I have to be able to go down there that’s a long way down uh we’ll come back to this wait oh there a thing right there that’s probably one of the fragments too I can’t mark my map get off me maybe just fall down I don’t know there’s like something waiting down there for me to let’s go back really quick we know this area exists now so let’s I stock what’s good we’ll just head back and go to that main area I just saw cuz there’s got to be something good in there I feel like I wonder why this lightning is like happening right here another cookbook nice what I wonder if it’s like the time of day I’m over here all right so go check this out and then see what’s behind it all not going to lie this is kind of scary cuz it’s funny how every section I’ve found recently there’s got to be something over hold on oh come on it’s always terrifying it really is Prospect Town nice it’s not much of a town right now come on Beast blood times two and what does it say time for Rolling I love that one I feel like maybe cover more ground if I’m on the horse but there’s like an area back that way too which I feel like that has to go to something right let’s just explore here first let’s not get ahead of ourselves I feel like something’s definitely here I’m about to fight we got the summon icon thing on the left this person died how did they die they survived but then then they died okay looks like it keeps going up and around I love this level of like mystery like we don’t know what’s over here at least I don’t can I can I make this go like up higher but oh look at all that oh my goodness they’re all waiting for me hold on where’s it at I wish I could favorite some there’s probably a way but I don’t know I haven’t seen it let’s do golden V just in case I get jumped should get them all right I one Brad come on there we go I really wish my save progress could be on PC like I could like alternate because I feel like I’d play it more if it was on PC cuz that’s like my relaxing I like chill out and play games on PC probably like every other night like this has to lead to something I feel like it’s got to [Music] be that double jump is so clutch let’s read some of these item ahead Talisman okay spoilers wonder which one this is an heirloom what what does this do raises Arcane but I already have I have ones that gives you like decks intelligence strength I think there like all them give you like plus five so that’s probably what that one is I’m assuming that’s all that’s over here pretty massive area for just like one thing though I feel like there’s going to be something else let’s see what’s back over here I think this might go down as one of the greatest video games of all time just because they didn’t even have to add anything to it cuz it was already like a game of the year type thing wait is that can I get over there it’s like that stuff down there like it looks like you can go there maybe not those two things but the thing in the middle I can’t tell if it’s like out of bounds or what behold ruins yeah I’m looking maybe oh that’s probably what it is right there all right so what we can do now let start heading back I guess we can check out the other side as well cuz I feel like this area is pretty much done unless there was something else I’m missing H I’m assuming this is here in case you die by all those enemies an item on the edge right here too hold on not trust using my horse right there okay we got a somber it looks like you can just go straight down right here and I think I’ll try it probably going to die here though hold on there like a rock or anything land on like that’s a long way down hold on I’m probably dead get ready H I’m actually impressed by just the scale of everything I just I think I’ve talked about this many many times it’s like I’ve always felt like the base game was more widespread but I still had like a lot of content I like there’s more dungeons more everything else but then there’s like this and it’s like hey let’s make it let’s call it the same size as like limb grave to throw people off and technically if you’re looking at it from the top down that’s pretty accurate but then you start playing you’re like oh wait it’s stacked multiple times I’m just trying to do [Music] something what read message hold on let’s see what this says didn’t expect item I didn’t expect this to even be an area over here you know what I mean don’t you dare there’s apparently a few sections in the game that have like invisible steps I think I’ve found one not sure if there’s more that actually exist but from what I’ve seen there’s going to be a lot more hdden stuff that they actually haven’t had people discover yet all right start heading back I could probably go back to the side of Grace and reset everything but let’s just go this way first back into Prospect town I think we got everything over here cuzz I think everything led to that one talsman and pretty sure that was it all right so now let’s go to the other side and try to go down there there’s apparently a lot of bosses I’m not going to be able to actually see maybe I could do like bonus content but I didn’t get all the bosses in the base game either like I found most of them but I did a lot of them like spare time time after like I finished the series cuz most of the time I’d run into an air cuz I was so overleveled I felt like versus this it’s like I’m not I wouldn’t say I’m overlevel as my level high yes but at the same time it’s more about the blessings cuz I’m pretty sure somebody like half my level would still do as much damage if they had like 20 fragments you know or 20 of the uh the blessing or I could be coping I don’t know but I remember early on the fragments I was doing a lot less damage I was pretty worried like this build isn’t going to is it going to work much longer and then I feel like I could probably hop down right here onto this ledge but the problem is how do I get back up you know all right I’m I’m going to go for this I’m probably going to die but whatever oh no I took damage those off really quick uh bless blue de okay slowly restores FP that is clutch what in the world that’s actually really insane that that’s even a thing got an item down it does it go further oh oh this is interesting I think if I roll down that’s the entrance of the actual game because you run out this cuz you just spawned down there I’m pretty sure and it’s like everything just starts I love how the actual DLC began too cuz it’s like you’re not really expecting when you walk out there see like the fire like the Wicker man thing or whatever it’s actually insane so we got the item down here too nice we’re chilling no fragments that’s that’s kind of weird it’s like I’m can I get up this way I might have to fast travel back why is this person here uh strong foe ahead wait what trap ahead what are they talking about let’s see what happens to them I’m just trying to play it slow you know oh it’s rats and this is all pretty much where we were double check back over here really quick it was a bear last time I saw yeah not going to fight you buddy I come in peace we got some bors or whatever that is all right so the next thing I want to check out since I think this area might be done I feel like there’s a few areas I’ve already been to where I miss like a boss fight or something cuz I didn’t explore enough you know this the exact same spot we jumped up last time that’s funny oh hold on this is the uh NPC F 38 of these more cookbooks we got a lot of those my goodness all right so we’ve checked out everything over I’m pretty sure I think there’s a section back there that I wanted to see if I could I feel like I’ve already went over there though I didn’t check as far as I went I to look at the map when I get over there so I just want to like double check it from this distance and see if I did in fact check it out hold on so I’m from here I’m under my combat what’s going on there we go let’s just check over here one more time then we’ll roll so apparently in the shadow keep there’s a way to lower the water and somebody told me that in one of the other videos I wrote that down that’s like my next thing I want to try out this is where we got the item okay we’re chilling what hold on this is like glowing I’m just curious like do you get anything for killing these I remember seeing this like in the very first video what what you get a fragment from that okay I didn’t even realize that I’m so happy I double checked now okay um I guess next what we could probably do is yeah let’s just go over here let’s go try this out you can lower the water apparently and there’s like a whole area under it I guess you can explore I think you can just somebody said to go back to this one and then a lot of running and jumping I think we did this like in a previous video but not to there’s a thing over there not to this extent I’m about to do I’m going to pop one of these just in case I get jumped extra damage negation is always useful I really cannot believe that this game one it’s finally here and then two it was like like one of the better things I’ve covered this year and I it’s like it’s insane to me oh these enemies I forgot about [Music] them you know what I’m not even going to kill you sorry buddy they’re dead or what there we go up this way I saw some Twin Blade things oh my God that’s so much damage hold on let me put on I should be fine how do they die I’m just curious getting attacked over and over then death oh I hate this enemy so much we good I think we jump across like last time as well what is that uh so I came over here once and I remember seeing something incredible I didn’t it’s like I remember seeing like a tree or something fall originally now didn’t realize it was that thing that made it do it I didn’t even see that thing last time I’m hoping this is yeah so we hoop down nice just because I want to do this and not get destroyed it’s actually nuts um okay we’ll look around I don’t see any other spots to actually go unless like a hidden wall or something hey another one they’re just staring there hold on is this like an emote wall type thing I’ve already been through here so wait pull lever what does this do does not move okay like one way I can go and that’s back over here we can’t go we can go this hold on feel like I’ve already been over there thing floating I don’t want to jump in the water in case it uh misses the ledge and then I’m going down we’re going to be here forever this all kind of feels familiar but it’s got to be close by I feel like looking all the corners and stuff are probably should have like looked to see where it was I usually just read a comment and then I’m like oh okay I’m assuming invisible walls would actually have a little sign next to it somebody said you can’t even get invaded you know what it’s bound to happen right that’s unfortunate that’s actually silly I’m just over here trying to just make it work we got to run all the way back over there which I not know where to go I’m run past everything it’s kind of funny how there’s all these things to like warn you about stuff and then you got right there and it’s like I had no idea there’s like a little spot I could fall through like one of the odds you know they’re just dying what’s how’s it even a thing running past this thing on the right cuz we’re chilling that almost bad get up here as fast as I can nice what does this say good luck yeah I could have used that earlier buddy I’m running past this enemy and just going to go straight left right here not even going to fight you actually I think I have to one more spot up all right here’s where I died it says I’m that’s kind of funny how like it tells you you died in certain spots but it’s like not always accurate you know I thought it was also funny early on in the series there was a few boss is I fought where here it is where I remember like what is this got item back here hold on no hidden path ahead let me test it out first I just see a ladder over here hold on uh first off up oh this must be it it’s like the entire area maybe let’s watch it [Music] that is awesome the fact that there was like a cut scene there is pretty cool there’s a side of Grace right in front of us but how do we I guess go back the other way that thing did say to go up first and then down right here it’s like a ladder Sombra five I’ll take it material ahead Grace ah nice this is kind of cool I didn’t think it’d like make an entire new area you know that’s how this game is though verticality hold on how many of the uh only got one okay monstrosity ahead that ain’t good where are we even at right now crab ahead okay what’s going on back here hey what is this what oh this is the thing [Applause] underwater I remember fighting one of these in like the base game but I need to be careful it’s not really a boss but I’m going to try to kill it anyways my frames were absolutely getting just cooked right there wait where’ you come from Buddy wait your turn my goodness getting jumped right there I got like two items hold on mantle of thorns oo you cover yourself with it it’s a sorcery so probably won’t ever really use it I don’t really use sorceries that much that’s cool that we actually fought the thing underwater and it’s also funny that I didn’t actually notice it until wait message no where are we even at right now just in case we get ambushed I’m just going to pop these in in case that was unexpected they’re working together essentially death mask Helm interesting Good Fortune ahead are they talking about here oh the I can’t get up i’ have to go back I think uh what does this say O A sill wait a minute scales off of strength well it’s e actually then Faith which I think that’ll change if I upgrade it anyways shouldn’t be that low I’m assuming this is probably like a fragment or something I guess it could also be a cookbook just kind of checking out the air really quick before we go there’s like a doorway right here so let’s go through that you know it’s kind of funny it’s like I had an idea how this video was going to go and this is not it I thought it was going to be half of the video be fighting bail and then checking out this other section I went to like over there we got something up here hold on precious item ahead let’s go up here first this feel like a boss area kind of cookbook let’s get it baby hey wait something’s over here what is this turn back all right is the other side also the same no it’s not even open so the silhouette was actually opening the door lift ahead oh we’re going down wait what oh no I don’t like like this how far down are we going wait what this is uh this is very far down wait what is going on here uh what did I just get into what’s the name of this site of Grayson where are we even at hold on what’s it called tree worship passage okay what is this I’m not even going to look that I kind of won’t like no spoilers I got a bad feeling about this bridge it looks like an item on the ground in front of what looks like one of the same kind of statues this is like such a crazy area you know it’s just like endless pet going down there’s no this is all this is this is this right here and that’s it Iris of Grace consumable I already have one of these so all right it’s like two Pathways one on the right and left another side of wait we got item here too 80,000 runes okay what is that in front of me hold on oh okay you know I was wondering I think it was a couple of Parts back maybe I’m not even sure how many parts back actually might have been last video for all I remember um I was I was thinking about how do you get down here I was looking along the edge there was like some stepping stones right here and nothing LED cuz I felt like this has to be an area you can actually get to I don’t know what’s over here but this looks [Music] like I guess a boss fight maybe hold on not even sure we’re about to fight if anything I’m just doing this just in casee I die or fight something I guess nothing’s move is that thing in the middle going to move it looks safe oh no wait what is this oh damage is fine that’s good that wasn’t too bad phase two maybe I’m still locked on [Music] oh the run back oh come on this is crazy like it’s like phase two but it’s like another one [Music] I might put on the other weapon if I don’t get this done okay bleed proc on [Music] that I’m to [Music] [Music] die that always gets me I’m probably going to die yeah man that’s a crazy boss fight it’s almost [Music] like maybe I was supposed well I mean the other one faded away so maybe it’s just like a second one I’m going to try the other weapon I’m just going to go all out I’m also going to put the other things on that I had which I feel like were better for what I’m actually doing put this on and then the other one is the physical damage I don’t know it’s like vastly and then enormously it’s like I feel like this is the better of the two CU it’s a great Shield okay what else um I guess we just try it again I like I was just already here that’s [Music] funny stamina is kind of a problem I’m going to take this opportunity just pop the other things [Music] now come on [Music] Brad just trying to survive hold [Applause] on that’s some massive damage let’s go [Music] [Music] okay it was see taking no chances hold on [Music] we’re not done yet I had a feeling I was like it can’t be over this is a crazy fight one of the cooler fights in the game I feel like oh my massive damage come back [Music] please okay three times that’s good a last heill nice I hope that’s it I really do okay my goodness what a crazy turn of events H okay um I literally used there’s a three phase so we got this and we got I’m actually just surprised this is all back here like this is an optional area and it leads to all of this that’s just insane to me I would have like redone my build a little bit had I known that was going to be that long of a fight I was do some pretty good damage though so is there anything else back here or is that it there’s got to be like a barrier hold on what does this say that was not an easy fight by any means so this is what was back here okay well now we know right cuz I remember not being sure about anything like I saw this one like this has to lead to something just we look over the edge and just chill out okay well you know what it’s kind of funny that boss didn’t actually give us any it’s reusable hold on retains the power to resist charm interesting let’s go see what this actually gives us I’m just curious wait a minute looks like there’s nothing else here I’m going look around really quick hold on let me just do like a full lap and then we’ll go back I want to see what you actually get from the remembrance cuz that was unexpected but a cool way to end the video I feel like I think that’s all this back here there could be like a hidden cave or something I’m not really seeing in the distance but I feel like it would be pretty obvious if there was something you could go back try jumping I don’t I don’t think so I think I’m good the funny part is it probably does lead to something I just do not want to waste I have a lot of runes on me I believe that’s probably everything let me just check the other side and then we’ll teleport back yeah this has been an incredible game thank you all for joining me on this series I’m assuming next video should be like the last area cuz I think I’ve already exhausted everything else I want to try out besides getting to the top of the Shadow keep there’s another area in the storehouse I may do that next part before we do anything else I believe that’s everything over here I didn’t see any other ways to get up higher or lower hold on all right table of Grace see what we got in here I’m going buy anything that’s available and then everything’s been bought okay well for the most part yeah I’m going to duplicate some of these before I do anything else this is the finger one okay we got the lord of the frenzy flame here it is colossal weapon or an incantation that fires a hello okay not a hell storm a hell of golden projectiles towards fo okay Faith strength dexterity all right I think I’m going to stop here thank you all for watching I guess next video not sure if it’ll be the ending I guess if you’ll see it in the thumbnail if it says ending that’s probably it but anyways love you all best L night ever and I’ll talk to you soon much love and take it easy

    Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Walkthrough Gameplay Part 14 includes a Full Game Review, Full Gameplay and the Full DLC Expansion of Shadow of the Erdtree on PlayStation 5 (PS5), Xbox Series X and PC. Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree 2024 Walkthrough Part 1 will include a Review, PS5 Gameplay, Character Creation, New Bosses, New Spells, New Weapons, New Armor, Scadutree Fragments, Revered Spirit Ashes, Builds, Lore, Reaction, Cinematics, Cut Scenes, OST, Story Missions and the Ending of the DLC Expansion. Thanks Bandai Namco for giving me the Full Game of Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree!


    Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is the first expansion for Elden Ring, an action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco. Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree released on June 21, 2024 for PlayStation 5 (PS5), PlayStation 4 (PS4), Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC. Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree takes players beyond the Lands Between to explore the Land of Shadow, a completely new world from Elden Ring.

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