Damn what an amazing game, highs of it were extremely high but unfortunately the lows were very low. Half of loves this game meanwhile ghe other half hates it due to how boring it is. It’s like half masterpiece and half mid game, don’t know how to describe it really. Overall a 10/7.5 Way better game than ffxvi but a lot worse than ffvii remake. What game should i play next ?

    Posted by MasonVlekso

    1 Comment

    1. MasonVlekso on

      Apologies for the terrible grammar of mine, i forget to check for my mistakes lol. I meant to say it’s a way better game than ffxv but a lot worse than ffvii remake (which is one of my favorite ff game). I wish they just cut 60% of the game and gave us a 20-30 hours more focused content without mmo type side quests and shit. Quality over quantity.

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