Dragon Age: The Veilguard difficulty options let you turn off death, and manually adjust enemy health

    Posted by chusskaptaan


    1. samponvojta on

      as someone who finished origins on highest difficulty multiple times, i like this. if someone wants to chill and enjoy the story, let them.

    2. everythingbeeps on

      Good. Absolutely no downside to having these kinds of options, especially in a story-heavy game like this.

    3. It’s good they are focusing on the things that matter 🤦‍♂️

    4. At this stage in my life I genuinely don’t care about getting a challenge. I’ll play tough games and beat them, like Elden Ring, but if a game gives me easy mode options than I’m taking them every time. I cared about my achievements and trophies ten years ago. I’m getting old. When I’m gone, nobody is going to care that I got a platinum on a game.

    5. pitter_patter_11 on

      This game is slowly winning me over. I won’t make my game so easy I can’t die, but the fact that I can do that if I like is nice to know.

      I loving having options like that, even if I never use them

    6. alphafire616 on

      That is fascinating…I don’t think I’ve ever heard of an action game actually having immortality as a feature

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