PS5 Slim whine sound problem, does anyone know why its happening? Is this normal or would go away?

    Posted by Cali4our


    1. Note: I needed to re-upload because somehow Reddit doesn’t allow me to put videos under.

      So long story short, my GF bought me this PS5 Slim from another country and its only a few days since I started using it. But it already began doing this weird whine sounds. Coil Whine? I don’t know. But she doesn’t have receipt and I don’t even know if this PS5 is under EuroAsia guarantee so I can send it back. I can’t get a refund and honestly even if I could, I don’t want to since this is a gift. What can I do? Or what’s the reason behind this problem?

    2. Sounds like the fan is whining. You should still try to get a replacement.

      How did she buy a console for 500.- and didn’t get a receipt? That’s crazy.

    3. BamesStronkNond on

      My first one did this out of the box, returned it straight away and got a replacement. Back up/upload your stuff and send it back

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