What attributes do you think the best game in the world should have?
    Is it beautifully crafted world where every little area looks like a piece of art… relaxing and rewarding exploration with great calming music which can much intensify during combat… with enemies designed to be worth your time (mostly:)) and some bosses you’ll remember for life? Or is it maybe well thought out coherent world with interesting sometimes even relatable NPC’s and non intrusive storytelling whereas more or less is left for your own investigation and imagination?
    Let me know what do you think. And thank you for your opinion.

    Posted by Boring-Trouble-4956


    1. paidinteaandbooks on

      For me it’s one of the best games ever made. That’s my opinion and others will have different ones. All that matters is if it’s your best game of all time or not. Never in the history of the world have all gamers agreed on this subject

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