Yoku’s Island Express is on sale for $1.99 (90% off) in the US eShop until 07/24/2024, lowest price ever

    Posted by XDitto


    1. If you do not already have this game, buy this game. Def worth $2. I think I spent $15 and felt like I got my moneys worth.

    2. DreadnaughtHamster on

      It’s fun! Metroidvania but you control a little ant that pushes a ball around and you also control pinball flippers to send him shooting off in different directions and up different routes.

    3. An absolute steal for such a price indeed. While we’re at it, Dead in Vinland just hit the 90% plank as well.

    4. crayonflop3 on

      One of my prized physical games. What a delightful game. Everyone should buy it at this price.

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