Hopefully I got my point across

    Posted by mrafflin


    1. KirbyFan200225 on

      I already played TOTK and Bayonetta 3. I am planning on playing Pikmin 4, M&LBS, and MPR sometime soon.

    2. i__hate__stairs on

      The second option every time. It bugs the shit out of me when I get all excited about some announcement and then see in the small print that it’s not coming out for fucking years. Like I don’t care. There’s so many other games out there right now that I can play right now, I don’t need to hear about your project that’s coming in six seven years from now that I’m definitely going to forget about

    3. Paulsonmn31 on

      We knew the existence of Pikmin 4 and Dread way before they were shown, though. You could say they were “unofficially” announced since Miyamoto was already saying in interviews that Pikmin 4 was a thing during the 3DS/Wii U era and Dread was basically announced in like 2005.

      But if I had to pick, I’d go with 2 all the way.

    4. Tbh, I’d go for option 2.

      Games that are announced too early get overhyped to a point that I fear they will never match the expectation. Tears of the kingdom did match its hype in the end imo, but I can’t say they every game will manage to do so also (though I pray that prime 4 does, as I’ve been waiting over a decade for it…). And to add to this, games that take too long, will also eventually fizzle out and hype will dissipate, meaning a lot of those who WERE excited at the time of announcement will have just moved on to other things, and won’t prioritise said game when it eventually does release (I’ve seen a lot of people express this opinion for silksong for example. Many are just fed up of waiting now and the hype has kinda floundered. I imagine it will be amazing still when it releases, but I’m sure most people are no longer “hyped” for it in the sense of losing sleep from excitement anymore).

      Games that release soon after announcement however, manage to keep themselves relevant for the entire marketing period before release. They are still fresh in the eyes of the general public when they release so everyone is actively aware of them. They can be developed for however long the developers need without an artificial “hype” deadline forcing early releases (like cyberpunk 2077…) because nobody is aware of them and demanding they be released ASAP.

      Both have pros and cons imo, but I personally perfer not knowing what Nintendo (and others) are cooking until it’s nearly complete. Because I know that the game I buy will most probably be a fully completed game that wasn’t rushed out of the door to meet a quarterly/holiday sales target,

    5. Traditional_Draft_77 on

      Knowing TotK existed for 3 years before seeing anything sucked. Not knowing if 2D Zelda would ever return but seeing EoW would come out in 3 months, feels amazing. Option 2 easily

    6. MaskOfIce42 on

      Second one 100%. As someone wanting Metroid Prime 4 and Hollow Knight: Silksong, I would rather not have known about them and nothing quite beat my joy of seeing Pikmin 4 expecting nothing or realizing Mario & Luigi is coming back.

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