What game should I play next?

    Posted by Nick_Hoadley


    1. LukasKhan_UK on

      I loved Zero Dawn.

      Made the mistake though of jumping straight into Forbidden West and it was “changed enough” that FW was annoying to play

      So I’m going to play Death Stranding instead


      HORIZON BRO THE FIRST HORIZON IS GREAT I LOVED IT.(Forbidden west was not that good in my opinion)

    3. detroit is amazing, has so manyyyy endings and possibilities, one of my absolute favorites

    4. Can’t go wrong with either really, but Horizon is the better game IMO. Incredible sci-fi story, lore and gameworld.

    5. Odd-Collection-2575 on

      Horizon, The frozen wilds DLC I think is the strongest iteration of the entire franchise

    6. internettloker on

      Detroit: Become Human first since it’s a lot shorter and more like a movie, and then Horizon

    7. PuzzledCartoonist536 on

      Horizon has a beautiful open world and I personally liked the gameplay but it’s story is very boring for the most part and most characters are badly acted and written one the other hand detroit has an amazing cinematic experience where you feel like you’re playing a movie in the best way possible and multiple endings are cool as well makes a lot of replay value

    8. RaveningScareCrow on

      Horizon was great at the first 5 hours, later it’s a slow burn. I couldn’t get past the 10 hour mark, but i’ll eventually finish it.

    9. _PrestigiousWay on

      Detroit. There’s no game like it. You can actually fuck up the entire thing by making just one bad choice.

      I had what many gamers call the best ending in my first attempt and then in my new story and I killed a character in the first chapter itself 💀

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