I already have doom eternal and the 2 ancient gods dlc's and want to complete the whole bundle but for some reason once i cart it in steam Doubles the price. It's quite upsetting as I've been shown one price yet in the cart there's a different one. Any clue on why this thing happens?

    My only suspicion is they're trying to stuff doom eternal deluxe edition in there after you put it in the cart which is kinda unnecessary as I don't really care about it as i already have the cosmetics i earned from playing the game since day one and only want the other games so i guess I'll buy them one by one?

    Posted by Ins3ne


    1. I’d say that’s probably a bug. Switching the price like that would be illegal in some countries, after all.

      You could try sending a message to Steam Support about it. They may be able to fix it.

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