GTA Online adds a quality-of-life feature players have wanted for years then upsets everyone by paywalling it: ‘One of the slimiest things they’ve done in a while’

    Posted by Turbostrider27


    1. Monkey-Honker on

      This app “lets you easily request vehicles, claim all outstanding business safe earnings, and replenish ammo on your in-game phone.” Collecting cash from your businesses in GTA Online has always been a bit of a pain, and being able to do it from your phone instead is obviously a massive improvement. The catch, of course, is that it’s only available to GTA+ subscribers paying $8 a month

      Saved you a click

    2. SaxSlaveGael on

      Honestly, as someone who sunk 1000’s of hours in GTAO. I ain’t going to touch GTA6’s Online. This sort of behavior is going to get worse and worse and GTAO for the last few years is just them testing what BS they can get away with.

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