Elden Ring DLC…

    what what’s up back my intro welcome back to Elden ring shadow of the earth tree we are the strongest in the verse right now it’s actually crazy and I uh ran into something that was I really would have liked to not run into it but hey shout out to family I try not dis spoil myself on this game or I guess what I have expecting etc etc and the one thing I would absolutely never want to know is when I miss something that I can never get back so my cousin hit me up he said hey you just through you sold crazy there was the best like probably the coolest skill in the game for the backhanded blades that you locked yourself out of because you killed Mesmer before doing a quest I didn’t respond how would I know that like don’t that don’t tell me anything he then sends me a gift of what the skill looks like it looked [ __ ] amazing I actually wanted to restart the game because I didn’t have it but then I realized who the [ __ ] I was so I went on Twitter I said hey can someone give me this and then the homie Dwayne hskp came through and said here gang take it oh I can’t do it in here damn that’s embarrassing can I do it out here yes I can look at this look at this Devil May Cry melenia ass attack bro oh my gosh bro I would do this on PVP real quick to see what it’s hidden for but the the servers are down for some reason so I’m just going to sit at this grace and act like none of that happened taking a look at this map though uh I can tell the grace is telling me to go this way but I want to finish exploring the castle so I think I’m going to go this way now my next question is uh I don’t even know what to do to get out of here like I think I got to mess with this to get out as well the side I want to get out on it looks like it’s through the top to here here okay let me figure out this puzzle how good is this oh my gosh oh my gosh I’ve seen a few you guys mention the amount of souls that I have gives you anxiety I’m not putting my level Beyond 150 you need to understand that I like oh oh was you br astonished hey it’s been some time it has there was one thought I could not dislodge from my mind so here I am what’s that quite unable to move on okay after Lord Mo slain at his dynastic Palace it appears his body has been absconded with and taken straight to kind Mika surely you recall that I once served Lord Moog as a pure blood Knight after failing him in every regard and losing sight of my vows I do anything to make amends in whatever meager way I can what could they possibly have in mind for Lord Mo’s Remains the implications are rather unnerving oh see I got options bro tell them about F’s decision I don’t even know what to do let’s start from the top I guess what’s this is this bad yes yes I should have known even the truth was itself mere folly as if using Lord Moog to gain entrance to the land of Shadow were not enough he plans to use his corpse as the vessel of his King consort forsaken Lord moog’s Soul he desires only his empty shell it Beggs but I’m afraid tender Micha fails to grasp the humiliation implied by this act one thing is certain my dear Lord Lord deserved better so they’re taking his body and then put some the conord or something in him rightous tarnished you have my gratitude’s body you have given me the answers I needed glad I can hardly fathom it such Folly unto the end I am a warrior but I’ve aged I cannot afford to act hastily cursed all I know my limits this is the most Story the rest of my life honing my craft and still that creature would be out of my blades Reach This is the most story we’ve gotten in this DLC for me I understood all this this is fire okay oh and then yeah I can tell you this too Prayer by The Gods she must be feeling the need to reaffirm her Allegiance before she heads to war the true red man she is hardly troubled by the rot h righteous tarnished hey could you please give this to Freya thanks to you she too will have the answer she requires yes oh okay I can see her barreling into the fry right now letter for Freya awesome what’s this he summoned to assist Needle King Lea summon to assist sir bro what do I pick yellow or do I pick Red Bro what the [ __ ] is this I feel like this has something to do with what dude was saying I’m going to go back and re re look at the recording to see maybe the importance of this let me know down below too cuz uh I don’t want to make the wrong decision here I don’t know that’s stressing me out I’m going to do what I’m going to do anyways but like you know feel free to chime in I may or may not see it I I for the most part I’ve done everything on this playthrough pretty blind I think the only thing that just got [ __ ] up for me is my cousin letting me know oh and then I had me solo her train me quotation so I guess there’s that but I think I’ve addressed this in the last video but if I didn’t you try to cook me for like not listening to let me solo her I bro like I said hopefully I did I did go out on my own I did explore I did all those things I just cut a lot of that out I’m showing me exploring at the moment but for the most part I just I snip this [ __ ] up I I just think it’s better that being said let me see if I can ooh okay okay can I do this uh oh my gosh I’m cracked oh my gosh I’m cracked oh no stamina uh oh oh and the healing is kind of not not not cool not cool don’t with that don’tu with that too bad you’re dead anyways no no no no no don’t piss me off don’t piss me off I might die woo okay I got to do something before that healing comes uh all right do it charge charge uh-huh Gone Gone Gone Gone Gone Gone Gone Gone all right all right all right good good good see you [ __ ] tried it you tried it you tried it but guess what you’re dead hello ma’am I’m afraid I’m busy have something for you from Sir ANB to me what Earth could it h yes of course I see of course as the Festival of War concluded General redan’s Soul met an honorable end remember that part kindly Micha wishes to revive it which by me I know it would pain old jiren but War has always suited General Redan best and certainly far more than any honorable death endless more to invigorate the soul as befits general radon the great lion are we trying to put radon in moog’s body thank you that the finale now I finally cast off my misgivings give my regards to honorable ansbach tell him if we should meet in battle oh that is the finale I think face your bow would be fine enough but to face face your blade would be an honor oh got a shield I’m not going to use this but thank you All That Remains is the fight ah so we’re just I guess following this Grace now leads to the final battle huh but this Quest seems mad like missible so I’m I’m going to assume this is uh something that I could easily have skipped can you [ __ ] not please I don’t like this oh my gosh I actually F the hell out this thing oh my gosh bro if I’m not mistaken um I did have to talk to this person too I’ve come to a realization hey there’s ample evidence without kindly micha’s influence you sound a little aggressive mistrustful of others sorry to hear that I actually don’t want to assist her cuz she’s just not cool to me this dude I liked his speech more she just seems depressing and quite frankly I’m good on that so I’m going to assist him now I’m assuming whoever I choose to assist here I didn’t fight the other one if we’re going off of like Millennia quest line I dispose of you and here we go okay okay yeah y y That’s just unfortunate that’s just unfortunate for you okay you kind of hurt damn damn damn damn oh uh uh uh did I mess up here you got good weapons um um help help help help oh got him oh okay oh he did the jump B shoot hold on now not too much not too much uh shoot again all right bro bro look look look this is this is not uh it’s just a fact that she can kill me so quick see look at this I got to be careful I got to be careful hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on and they just talking Oho get her get her get her I would like that bow that you got there sir shoot shoot shoot shoot bruh again ah bro there you go there you go no no no no no I missed I missed I missed I missed I missed oh good jump attack we are jumping the [ __ ] out this [ __ ] don’t shoot shoot shoot good [ __ ] oh my gosh bro jump kaisen on there let’s go that was sick okay lady letter I ask you keep kindly Micha in your care H can I get that bow hold on nice oh oh for the flex but for the flex he’s crazy all right oh let’s go let’s go let’s go oh my gosh I’m so glad I did the decision I did oo don’t play with it don’t play with it don’t play with it don’t play with it don’t play with it don’t play with it oh yeah I’m going to level this up uh next time but I I don’t feel like uh doing that farm right now so well let’s see how many hours it takes to get to the other side I think the areas I really want to get to is like this but cuz this looks crazy right but I have to go out here anyways this is like a very separate area so I’m thinking that because it’s separated that’s how I get down here and this that this area and this area both look unique and I think after I travel around here then I want to make it to whatever this is if I can and I I I did look in here there’s nothing really too much there and then I’ll make my way to I guess beating the game which I’m assuming this is where this is pointing to 1 hour later I have decided there’s just no way I can possibly get to this way through here but I know there’s some way to get there so I see that there’s this whole portion over on this side that I think you can enter from the right side but to get there I have to go around maybe I’m glad I woke up I had a decent amount of time to record all this some of you guys don’t understand the amount of the day I have to utilize to get these videos out same day okay I’m starting to see a path this looks like a a way down huh oh oh I figured it out yep oh my gosh I just kill myself o o oh success ah I did it this [ __ ] naked what the [ __ ] is that about okay okay I’m stuck I’m stuck and I’m scared wa whoo wao let’s let’s let’s address this let’s address this what’s up bro with that old ass weapon get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here and get some damn clothes B get some damn clothes B get some damn clothes yay Bonnie’s butcher knife what’s different from okay I’m not going I’ll take it bro and this is a whole other area that I kind of want to explore deep but I don’t think there’s going to be oh another one of you naked [ __ ] come on come on with it tooth whip I do like the whip builds but I don’t think I like this one seeing some new things there a building to the right that looks interesting okay I can’t see this building I guess I can’t get up here oh wait a minute wait a minute wait wait a minute hello this looks like um ranny’s Place Ranny oh is this ranny’s tower for sure rabbit’s Cannon yeah we don’t want that but thanks for the offer I guess um what is this it’s like a church oh something is happening in here of of bad of bad fortune what’s in door number one oh there’s a lady is that a lady am I assuming your gender I’m sorry you look kind of cool well we don’t often receive visitors okay I am Emir welcome to Manis mattera hey thanks for having me is a pleasure to have you in lands so forsaken as these chance encounters are precious indeed heing seeing that we have convened here on this day allow me to Mark V occasion with a modest offering awesome oh I got a necklace of a finger and a Ruins map uh oh map to Old ruins was received oh cool the else I gave you CHS the sight of a hallowed ruin it is said that after sounding the hanging bell there one’s fate will be guided by the Stars wish to be of service to help those who fight for for their purpose okay I’m not mistaken am I I can see it in your eyes you can tell I’m a fighter a fighter are you not I like this guy is something the matter no nothing that was cool the moment we had oh I suppose you expect a lesson of don’t I know the feeling those with purpose are enough for power okay oh oh you have spells on you I am a glint Stone sorcerer study the stars and examine the life therein are you familiar with our findings I I’ve seen you guys before we began as Stardust born of a great rupture far across the skies excuse me we too are children of the greater will is that not Divine is that not Sublime sure none can fathom its implications it’s utter Brilliance hearing you bro Ruins map a simple map faded dirty okay Hollow ruin I don’t even know what he’s talking about bro I’m glad I’m glad I chose to explore I can imagine this path is just very straightforward cuz I already have half of it bro no the only thing with this path I don’t get is how to get there’s like a portion where you get down here I didn’t get that but there was nothing over here that was worth really showing I got a earth tree fragment from a a rhino hippo thing again that was about it ah but this this was a journey and a half something got to be here rewarding hold on that looks like something I like over there uh ah it is something I like it is something I like indeed okay damn this has some L to it oh they got the Griffith sword my oh oh oh oh oh um um hey hello okay my fault damn damn you kind of hurt damn damn damn damn damn that’s rude that’s rude what what what’s going on what’s going on what’s going on what’s going on here wow I can’t Parry that that’s that’s a lot that’s a lot all right so you’re going to be on this the whole time this this is how you feeling okay okay I don’t even know what I would need to do for this where do I begin okay okay he just FS me per hit bro I’m I’m I’m going to take him I’m going to take him as is I I don’t care how long it takes ah but I got to what solo told me bro I got to remember I got to take it in consideration sometimes you got to beef up and then come back later what benefit do you have running your head into the wall on something then you’re just not going to have fun I’m going to bring myself to a crash out I got to even the playing field I got to even the playing field I’m going to try a few more times just to see if I can learn anything because I don’t live long enough to learn anything that’s that that’s that’s that’s bad and I don’t even know how I begin to dodge that bro like like the the timing of that is like weird he just comes and [ __ ] me okay okay I got I got to figure this out let me see can I use my horse oh you know what no I get it I get it I get it I get it this is just not the battle I thought it was 20 for Pony pony for Pony now am I fast whoa oh no no oh no oh no oh no oh no okay I have to deal with that first maneuver before I get on my pony bro okay okay revive oh my gosh woo oh I cannot Dodge that for the life of me there I I I don’t I do not get it let me try going forward no to the side hold on hold on hold on whoa oh sh okay I’m I’m doing a decent enough job surviving the regular hits it’s not but when the Nick starts getting racist with this fing Pony it gets a little crazy okay launches that oh I got to roll into it okay okay not bad not bad not bad awesome this is bad this is bad uh okay so that so how that works it’s a hit hit so it’s two hits it’s two rolls consecutive because the pig’s going to hit and then he’s going to hit okay okay okay I’m seeing the timing a little bit oh okay I won’t take that I have no choice but damn I don’t want to jump attack jump attack okay okay not bad not bad uh uh-huh uh-huh forward okay so there it’s forward but the other time is not got the bleed okay good trade good trade ah all right that’s that’s a good nice little chunk that’s a good nice little chunk so the I’m convinced that the first hit of that I’m just not supposed to I’m not supposed to dodge there’s just no way bro all right I’m healing H jump jump awesome I guess awesome I guess all right all right it’s not I’m not in a good spot do it again oh he’s going to do it again he’s going to charge me I think I have no time to forward H okay damn he’s like juking my with this uh-huh I still got to get a bleed even better you know you know what you know what I just realized bro it’s going to be a little hard to do I think but maybe the the dragon Katana wouldn’t be so bad here I’m not too sure maybe the Getsu kenos could help maybe Poise break this good so right there I can punish oh yeah this is it this is the weapon my weapon of choice but it’s [ __ ] okay all right ah oh my gosh okay guess we got Teno awesome that that that that attack right there is probably the most stupid can attack in this damn game easily I’m dead okay I’m alive these are double rolls okay but I got the timing so a delay into double roll that that move is so bro maybe blood hound step maybe maybe blood step would be not bad here is this going to clear this oh yeah oh yeah blood hound step for that all all [ __ ] day bro okay okay okay go back go back go back oh oh that’s great that’s great I must be talking wow wow I’m I’m pretty strong huh I’m pretty strong I’m pretty strong okay l sip he’s going to do the thing I knew I knew bro I knew I knew come on uh-huh uh-huh oh my gosh okay okay drink oh my gosh one more sip oh all [Music] right uh-huh just get away just get away get away oh oh w w w second phas second phas okay okay what the f what in the redon what in the redon oh my gosh bro I I’m I’m scared I’m scared I’m going to be honest wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on now not too much ah oh all right now are you going to do that spin to start okay every time every time every time all right uh CR awesome one two avoid all right jump okay okay okay bro I’m actually going to [ __ ] murder you I think oh my gosh oh my gosh yo I’m so focused I’m so locked in I’m not going to talk bro hold on [Music] no a no he’s right there bro oh [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] he’s done oh yeah he’s done if I die here I’m crashing out if I die here I’m crashing out the baiten switch he’s done he’s gone yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh [Music]

    The Elden Ring DLC is a experience if nothing else. I like the game but I didn’t like the Commander Gaius boss fight

    Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Playlist:

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