Switch 2 Won’t Face Low Supply; Legal Action Planned Against Scalpers

    Posted by jameslevi_9123


    1. DevouredSource on

      I haven’t experienced much issue with Switch scalping, but the PS5 in the early years was infuriating.

    2. With you being able to walk into a store and buying the console I think it’ll be much harder to scalp it. Not impossible but harder.

    3. I’m not exactly certain that scalping is illegal in most places?

      There’s definitely a smattering of laws specific to ticket reselling in some places, some more broad than others, but I’m not sure any of them are going to be easy to use to target people reselling switches. I’m not sure pushing for more laws that restrict what we’re allowed to do with products we legally purchase and own is something I’d be cheering for even if it screws over scalpers.

      The only real recourse is to ensure supply meets demand so there’s not really profit to be made through reselling, which seems to be their actual focus.

    4. Hope what ever they try actually works. These so called “hustling” people became too common and it’s freaking annoying.

    5. ButIDigress79 on

      Seemed like they did a good job meeting demand with Special Edition Switches. Most of them were on the shelf for months in my area.

    6. All needed is make priority available to those with *existing* ‘Online’ accounts. Including a check when purchasing via third party retailer.

      Limit one unit per individual account, two or three per family account.

      Not sure how well going after scalpers would stand up in court. As much as we love our gaming, consoles are still a luxury (and not a necessity such as someone buying up every case of Poland Spring and every roll of Charmin at Costco).

    7. Last-Bumblebee-537 on

      I wonder when production is expected to start. I’m ready for some info

    8. Not sure how to combat scalping or make it illegal, that’s a function of capitalism.

      I’d suggest make it so stores charge a restocking fee when returning a switch more than 3 days after buying it. If you don’t buy from a scalper they’ll have to take a hit then to return or sell at face value.

    9. Horror_Letterhead407 on

      I’ve seen the light man. You won’t need anything else if you have a pc. F these underpowered consoles.

    10. the peak pandemic created a huge demand for home entertainment, online-only purchase option and tremendous supply issues

      Whilst there are still supply issues, with the IA bubble and all, I still believe it will be much better than 2020.

      Can’t wait frankly, the Switch, especially the oled one, is one of my favorite Nintendo console ever.

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