Which new Mario game are you excited more?

    Posted by Commercial_Dream2959


    1. Commercial_Dream2959 on

      Even though I’m excited for both, it’s still be Brothership because I’ve been waiting so long for a new instalment after the last game (BIS remake) and after AlphaDream became ceased

    2. Ones an entirely new game with actual effort put into it

      And the others mario party

    3. IndigoExplosion on

      Honestly, neither.

      I dont play Mario Party, and the recent M&L games feel like they’re hardly even Mario games.

    4. The only Mario and Luigi game I liked was Superstar Saga. Partners in Time killed the series for me, but I think Brothership is the first time I’ve genuinely wanted to play the series again.

    5. I nervous about the new marioparty. Super marioparty wasn’t that great tbh. And this being a sequal to that has me worried. But I guess we’ll see.

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