Hey guys, so I recently purchased a used Nintendo Switch OLED Model, and the guy gave me a pretty unique cartridge along with the console. He said it was some kind of developer cartridge to use with the Switch, and when booting it up, it has what look like demos for the various technological parts of the Switch, which I assume are for developers to experiment with the Switch’s various inputs to optimize their games for the Switch. It also looks like some kind of diagnostic tool, but I'm not sure.

    Even after scouring the internet, I couldn't find ANYTHING online about what this is supposed to be, so l've turned to Reddit: What is this? Is it worth anything? Is it rare? Does Nintendo only give these out to developers? I’m really curious to hear what you guys think.

    Posted by XogoDaFox


    1. OMightyBuggy on

      Find a way to back this up to the Internet Archive. Might be something rare.

    2. CunnyWizard on

      if you don’t have a way to dump the cartridge yourself, find someone who does. there’s plenty of nintendo homebrew communities out there that can help with this, and would probably love to help make sure this is analyzed and preserved

    3. While i do not know for sure i would place a bet on “developers get this” and “may not be exactly rare but definitly unusual to be in private hands” with a pinch of “soon to be more then just rare”.

      Worth? Depends on how many people KNOW about it AND would WANT to have this. It mostly holds value for people that have the means to utilize it, developers/tech savy people. The worth for a full collection is barely existing seeing how few of these will ever be in the market and for never having been sold. Odds are it will gain some value but depends highly on finding a buyer who is willing and able to pay, it will be very time intensive, that is if they believe it is real with the listing alone (another limiting factor is people in a distance to check validity).

      As others said, please find a way to back this up and/or try to get it in the hands of tech savy people who can create inforamtive videos about this like digital foundry (which does improve how many know it exists).

    4. I agree about contacting Digital Foundry. He’d probably know or at least know where to begin with this thing.

    5. This looks like a factory QA tester cartridge for newly manufactured Switches, definitely worth preserving!

    6. Plz dump this, seems like something some people in the community can get wild with

    7. Untimelysword6711 on

      How in the world did you get your hands on that? This is freaking amazing!!

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