And and and…. The main question I wanna know is….. but why???!??!??

    Posted by typical_gamer1


    1. Indiethecat246 on

      Why ? Well why do u ask why because the question isn’t why but what and why do we think it is a thing hmmmm I puzzle u I think , u may ask why I ask this question but u should instead ask why u asked this question as bad why I answered and instead of why it should be what was I thinking writing this bollocks well why would I do such a thing hmmm

    2. StruggleFriendly1948 on

      I’ve thought about it when I’m stoned just so I can understand wtf I’m supposed to be looking at.

    3. OP is projecting hard here. Why would OP be looking for games involving grandmas?

    4. NothingMatters202 on

      Don’t know, name sounds horrible so won’t play it. So by judging by the name, I am leaning more into idiots than another demographic.

    5. AstronautSoupChef on

      That’s an interesting rabbit hole. They also have a game that I think is titled, “Buy my game, I have a gun.”

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