Basically, layoffs at a factory for production of these Blu-ray discs, signalling a shift towards ceasing physical production altogether. Not a fan of the implications here…

    Posted by Next_Fix_2271


    1. WeWantLADDER49sequel on

      This isn’t what’s happening. They are laying off people involved with producing discs in japan but that’s not where the majority of their production is actually done anyways.

    2. Less than half of one single wearhouse in Japan… This will not affect games being printed on Blu rays in the west at all.

    3. basedcharger on

      I see why people don’t like journalism more and more every day. The original article this article quotes is about recordable media aka movies and TV shows and this isn’t the only plant in Japan.

      Additionally there are different manufacturers for video game blu ray disks which haven’t had job cuts as far as I know.

      This is going to become a bigger story though because game journalism co-opted the original source and inserted their opinions into it making it sound very bad for the games business.

    4. Just to be clear this is affecting CDs that don’t have anything on them.

      Not Blu-ray media consumer products.

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