anyone still use their gamepad as a TV remote?

    Posted by imbriandead


    1. This reminds me, I cant get it to pair with newer TVs like my TCL. Anyone got tips or a workaround?

      Edit: Peetah, the horse is heah

    2. robin_the_rich on

      remember when it actually had the full channel guide on the TVii app? Those were the days I actually used it as a universal remote. That and the live quizzes during sporting events.

    3. StillhasaWiiU on

      It won’t sync with newer smart TVs that use radio RF for the remote and not IR.

    4. MagnetonPlayer_2 on

      I still remember losing the TV remote & teaching grandma to use the gamepad as a tv remote until replacement arrived. Those were a fun couple of days.

    5. this is a better tv remote because you can just recharge the gamepad and js use it as a remote

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