I should be finishing up Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree this weekend, so I’m wondering what game I should move onto next. These are the big ones I got backlogged right now so I’m wondering what y’all think I should play?

    Posted by Andromeda-OC


    1. I’ve finally getting into FF7 Rebirth. Also really liked Spider-man. Don’t have the second one yet

    2. paidinteaandbooks on

      Demon souls or hollow knight would be a good follow up if you want more souls-like otherwise I’d recommend god of war

    3. SoylentGreen-YumYum on

      I’ve played all but FF7 Rebirth.

      God of War 2018 would be my pick. And it’s not even close.

    4. MaleficentLunch7678 on

      demons since your gameplay will be sharp after beat elden ring, if youre tired of third person action games go for hollow knight. sotc is a absolute masterpiece and its a big recomendation for all moments

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