What Xbox Game/Franchise would you like to see on Playstation?

    Posted by PyroPsyche


    1. Fable. Other than that Id love to try gears. dont care about Halo. Forza would be also cool I guess

    2. I would love Fable. Also Sunset Overdrive would be great, especially since Insomniac is now owned by Sony.

      Also, even though they’re years down the line and may come to PlayStation, but Elder Scrolls VI and Fallout 5

    3. PalpitationNo4375 on

      I want to earn a Halo CE platinum trophy.

      I don’t care how hard it is, even if it’s Super Meat Boy levels of fuckery. I want that on my list. Because it’s Halo. One of the most iconic franchises of all time.

      So yeah my vote is for Halo

    4. Is funny how there’s this “Xbox has no games” mentality in the PlayStation community but once the “some games might come” thing started all of a sudden there’s plenty lol.

    5. Senua started on PS tho, sad it switched to XB, would like to see that and Gears fer sher

    6. Sunset Overdrive first and foremost. It only seems right to bring Insomniac‘s game over. Then Fable and Starfield.

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