There is offer going on in PlayStation store on Dying light 1 for only $2. I haven't played the game, frankly today i came to know about the games name and it's genre. I researched and the reviews were good surprisingly. And I'm thinking of buying it.

    Posted by No-Relative-8188


    1. Firm_Mathematician_8 on

      Definitely one of my favorite underrated games of all time and was a little disappointed in dying light 2. But I’ve played through the entirety of this game at least 4 times with friends and it hardly ever gets old, great combat and really solid parkour akin to mirrors edge (sorta). nothing to really write home about regarding the story but if you’re playing with friends it’s not the biggest issue

    2. Best zombie game that I ever played. Definitely worth it, I would rate it overall with 8.5/10, with story being 7/10 and gameplay being 10/10. Never played the second part nor the DLCs.

      I would like to know if there still are players playing online because I remember that PS had some online achievements and I’m the type of player that likes to platinum the games that I play.

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