Not on mobile and pc wishlist isnt showing

    Posted by Zestyclose_Switch895


    1. Wait till tomorrow, the servers are being massively overloaded due to increased traffic.

    2. AutumnThePeryton on

      To add to this a lovely message on CS2 said the servers in Seattle are going through the matinence now

    3. SpezSucksSamAltman on

      I only have 15 items on my wishlist and it still took 30 seconds for it to load. First day blues.

    4. It was ok for me at first, but it died recently. Steam Sale woes strike again 🙃

    5. I wasn’t able to see my wishlist, but this workaround worked for me: pull up a title you KNOW is on your wishlist, then where it says “on wishlist” click the carrot drop down and choose “manage my wishlist”. This brought me to the wishlist page. Good luck!

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