My girl wants to play but gets motion sickness from the moving perspective. Also looking for a game more focused on solving puzzles / platforms. Not too intense, just something chilled. Minimal to no violence as well.

    As an example, there is this cute game on Quest 2, Moss –
    That is pretty much the type of thing I'm looking for

    Posted by zedisto


    1. JobuuRumdrinker on

      Check out Unravel and Unravel Two. Not exactly top down but the camera shouldn’t cause any issues.

    2. I immediately thought of Tunic, but there is combat in that game that might not be to her liking.

      I’d suggest Chants of Senaar. No combat, you’re basically moving through different civilisations trying to decipher their languages based on puzzles, contextual and written clues. Its a great game to play together too. It’s a really unique idea that’s difficult to explain, but it’s on Gamepass if you have that and want to test it out.

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