Elden Ring: SHADOW OF THE ERDTREE reached 5 million units sold

    Posted by Turbostrider27


    1. Shadow_Clarke on

      Insane numbers in a week.

      I still haven’t finished it, 52 hours in and just reached the last zone and already thinking about starting it again.

    2. Marinebiologist_0 on

      The base game + the expansion makes this game feel almost perfect now. I’ll be enjoying this game for years to come and I can’t wait to see what FromSoft does next!

      Incredible sales figures. FromSoftware deserves all of the success they’ve enjoyed over the years.

    3. Acrobatic-Dig-161 on

      make great games and you will be successful.

      Elden Ring’s main objective is to be a game.

      instead of a Disney series and movie that some games want to be.

    4. Elden Ring is an absolute juggernaut of a brand, those are insane numbers for any DLC within a week – nevermind one like this which was known to be so difficult.

      From just can’t miss. Already can’t wait for what’s next from them. Was hoping for a new IP with some Souls DNA (like Bloodborne or Sekiro), but I wonder now with this crazy success, will they be pushed towards Elden Ring 2. I think regardless of what it is, the “new game from the creators of Elden Ring” is gonna sell a shit-ton, but you never know.

    5. Thats so much faster than the DLCs for Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher 3, etc.

      This shows that Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 are niche.

      Elden Ring had 3x more players on Steam than Cyberpunk and 15x more than The Witcher 3.

    6. 5 million in a week while other massive dlcs like cyberpunks took months to reach that. Crazy.

    7. FullPrinciple4 on

      This title particularly makes me wish the PS+ online gatekeep was not there. It bottlenecks the community from being more connected in their adventures.

    8. SilverGur1911 on

      Expected, with all this super hype and high review scores

      Too bad the dlc is disappointing, and I’ll never preorder their next game again.

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