Digital Foundry: Astro Bot on PlayStation 5: We’ve Played It – Hands-On Impressions

    Posted by Turbostrider27


    1. BarelyMagicMike on

      I really hope they release a demo.

      Not because I need to play it – I don’t – this is a day one buy no matter what and my expectations are pretty much set at GOTY.

      But because I want this to get marketed and hyped up as much as reasonably possible so that it sells well. Sony NEEDS to see a high demand for 3D platformers. I’m so sick of their best franchises being left in the dust. Bring back Sly and Jak, give us more Ratchet! And don’t make them huge, 100M dollar productions that take 5 years to make! Most of us will be satisfied with gameplay and innovative mechanics over insane graphical fidelity. Though I guess I can only speak for myself.

    2. I really hope this game does well. This makes me excited, hoping it lives up to the hype.

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