Donkey Kong Country Returns HD priced at $60

    Posted by TheMawguisnotatoy


    1. In my fake Dream World this game would have been packed in with Tropical Freeze in 2018 for $60, or it would be offered to the current owners of the Tropical Freeze as a free update. It makes more people play the two games and be interested in the Donkey Kong brand.

      Then Nintendo’s modus operandi slaps me in the face back to reality.

    2. Kremling_King87 on

      I’m still astounded Metroid Prime 1 was $40…. How the hell did that slip past them… DKCR for 60 is ridiculous


      finna buy it at Gamestop after a few weeks, beat it as soon as possible, and watch the employee get upset when Donkey Kong Country Returns back to their used game shelf

    4. Don’t worry guys! In 4 years you can buy it for the same price! It will save money bc inflation.

    5. HighAndFunctioning on

      Oh well, guess I’ll pirate it. I’m certainly not paying $60 for a game from 15 years ago, even though Nintendo clearly thinks I’m a fucking idiot that will.

    6. Nintendo probably: “I wonder why nobody bought the remaster of the Donkey Kong remaster for the price of a full game? I guess they just don’t like Donkey Kong anymore… Let’s cancel the new installment for the Switch 2 :/ “

    7. that’s fucking wild. i am still trying to figure out how or why luigi’s mansion 2 is $59.99 when 3DS games we’re $39.99 at most if i recall correctly.

    8. I’m not buying a single switch game until cross compatibility with the next device is confirmed. This is decade old hardware and the games may be exclusive to it. Nintendo is ridiculous.

    9. I’ll stick with the Wii version thanks. If you have a Wii or WiiU, you can easily get it for $20-$30

    10. An older game priced the same as the already overpriced decade old sequel that’s better in every way? Hard pass.

    11. Emperor_TaterTot on

      If these HD versions at $60 don’t sell well maybe they will get the message.

    12. alwaysonbottom1 on

      For that reason, I’m out. I mean come the fuck on. It’s a rerelease of a rerelease. 

    13. $60 for a 3DS port with no new content?

      Not surprised but I won’t be buying their greed. Same for Luigi Mansion 2

    14. I mean.. it’s Nintendo. And with most games being $70 now, the probably see it as a bargain. And we all know of the “Nintendo Tax.” So this game will probably never dip below $45 like most 1st party titles. I’ll probably get it at some point. But most likely not at launch, and certainly not at $60.

    15. Meanwhile the Tomb Raider remastered trilogy launched at $30, Crash & Spyro trilogy remakes $40…

      I can’t justify paying high prices for Nintendo ports and remasters when the rest of the industry fairly prices better packages.

    16. Framed-Photo on

      Nintendo keeping up tradition of actively trying to make me not want to use my switch. I hardly if ever buy games for it these days, it’s too expensive.

    17. flippenflounder on

      It’s reasons like this I just don’t buy Nintendo anymore. I love the classics but I’m not going to spend $60 on a game they basically threw new graphics on

    18. Silly me for thinking the price would have been reasonable, I’ll wait for a price drop before I get this only because I’ve never played the original and it’s re-release.

    19. FlowPhilosophy on

      Welp, I ain’t buying it new then. I figured I might if it was $40. I’ll just get it second-hand later on.

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