Rise of the Ronin Sales Pacing Ahead of Nioh and Its Sequel, Koei Tecmo Says

    Posted by willdearborn-


    1. Yarzeda2024 on

      I wonder if the introduction of difficulty levels made it more approachable to the kind of people who would normally skip Nioh.

    2. bongkeydoner on

      Koei Tecmo, arrowhead, and shift up enjoying partnership with sony with success while square enix crying they didn’t make gajillion yen

    3. drunkmeridethpalmer on

      I’m not a Souls fan, but I’m having a great time with Stellar Blade. Is Rise of the Ronin something I can enjoy?

    4. WyrmHero1944 on

      Incredible how this happened, considering how terrible it looks for being a PS5-only game. I had it under my radar (was actually hyped when they showed the reveal trailer), until they showed combat and trasversal gameplay. It looked worse most PS4 games, almost a gen behind it. So I canceled my preorder. Fans of Nioh were not hyped at all either.

      The only logical explanation is that people bought because they were hyped with Shogun? But it’s not even in the same era. Blows my mind that it’s getting more sales than Nioh 2, unless the player base grew thanks to it and now they’re getting exponential sales. Like Elden Ring.

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