PSA: The physical edition preorder bonus codes are now redeemable

    Posted by sw201444


    1. For those unaware: physical owners have not been able to redeem their preorder code since launch yesterday.

      There was a timer applied to the digital version leading up to launch, and it got applied over both versions

    2. eyebrowless32 on

      I was so eager to play last night that i totally forgot about the code it came with haha. Glad i saved my self some confusion last night if it wouldnt have worked anyway

    3. ChaosEvaUnit on

      This might be a regional thing. I redeemed my PO code about 18hrs ago and not because I was locked out, that was just when it turned up.

    4. BranislavBGD on

      I bought a physical copy from the store yesterday, but there was no code in the box.

    5. sailormeguca on

      The preorder bonus arent available from the beginning? Its in the same place as the deluxe bonuses?

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